13. don't want to share

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I look out the window as the plane flies in between the clouds. I love being on a plane. I love how everything becomes so small because I'm reminded of how insignificant we all are. We walk around this world thinking we own it when we are next to nothing in the galaxy.

It's just amazing.

It's Saturday morning and I'm on my way to Los Angeles. It's about a three hour flight since there are no stops in between, so I should be there by noon. This is crazy. Even now, as I look out the window, I still can't believe I'm doing this.

After I told Kim about it, she offered to cover my shift on Sunday.

"Are you sure?" I asked her Thursday night during our shift. "I didn't tell you so that you would cover me."

"I know," she says rolling her eyes. "I want to. What are girlfriends for?" she looked at me. "You do want to go, right?"

I thought about denying it and saying that no, I didn't want to go. But, of course, I didn't. Why deny it? I didn't make Derek invite me. He invited me all by himself and I really want to go, so why not go?

So here I am, on my way to meet Derek Collins in California.

This is wild.

The anticipation of seeing him grows by the minute. I'm a nervous wreck by the time the plane finally lands. It's not until I'm making my way out of the airport that I realize Derek didn't tell me where to meet him. I know I could take an Uber but to where?

The airport is full of people rushing up and down with bags over their shoulders and suitcases rolling behind them. All I brought with me is a backpack. Just enough clothes for two days. It took a lot of self-control to not overpack. It's just two days and one night. I'll be back in New York tomorrow. It makes me feel sad and relieved at the same time.

I'm on the escalator going down when I decide I should probably call Derek. I take out my phone and get ready to call him but before I press his name on my contacts, I see him.

He's at the bottom of the escalator wearing jeans with black and white Vans and a black T-shirt. Even from the escalator, I can see the way his shirt sleeves hug his muscular arms. He's wearing a black cap but it didn't seem to serve its purpose because people seem to recognize him. A group of women and teenagers are crowded around him, all talking at the same time while taking pictures and selfies with him.

As I watch this, I remind myself that he is here for me.

This hot and famous celebrity is here for me. I still can't comprehend that this is happening.

As if sensing that I'm looking at him, he looks up as I reach the end of the escalator and step on the first floor of the airport.

"Sorry, everyone," Derek says as he begins to walk backwards. "My girl is here. I have to go."

My girl is here.

He's talking about me, right?

"Aww." All the girls complain and watch as he walks away.

"Please don't follow me," he says when they all take a couple steps forward.

I laugh as he reaches me. "You know, they're gonna follow you right?" I ask as I glance at them. They all have their phones out and are taking pictures of Derek...of us.

Derek nods. "Yeah, we better get going."

I follow his lead down the airport, trusting that he knows the exit. I know he must travel a lot. Airports must be a second home to him.

DEREK'S MATCH (DEREK #1) SAMPLE, NOW PUBLISHEDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora