27. remember me?

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I look down the road in front of me as I drive. It's been over a week of driving this car and it still feels as dreamy as the first time I drove it on my own.

I didn't ask Derek to let me borrow it, I wouldn't, but he asked me to take it to get to work and be able to go places since I've been staying over at his place. I couldn't turn it down. I've been dying to drive it. I never thought I would be driving a Tesla to get to work or go to the grocery store.

The days have been going by super fast since Ian's party. I began to sleep in Derek's room, in his bed with him, and it's been amazing. We still haven't had sex but we kiss a lot. I know it's only a matter of time before we go all the way and I almost can't wait. I want him. All of him. It's embarrassing how much I want to have sex with him. I'm so glad he can't hear my thoughts.

Today, I have my last final of the semester which makes it an even better day.

No school means I'll have more time to spend with Derek. He's been having photoshoots and meetings lately, though, so I'm not sure just how much time we'll be able to spend together. Still, I'll have more time to focus on him without feeling guilty. We can kiss longer in the mornings.

This morning, I almost ran late. He kissed me goodbye as I was heading out the door and the kiss turned into a very long, very hot kiss. It was nearly impossible to pull away from him. If I didn't have this final, I would have given in and missed class.

I'm so glad this semester is over. I feel confident in all the finals I've taken and I'm confident in this last one that I'm going to take. I've learned so much already; I feel so accomplished. Now that school is over, I'll finally be able to visit my family in Newport. I'm going to ask for the days off today at work. I hope I can get at least 5 days off, a week would be great. Maybe I'll ask for 7 days off, if my manager is in a good mood.

I get to school and park in the same spot I've been parking in for the past few days. It's been pretty cool to drive this awesome car, but it's also stressful. I know I'm responsible for it if something happens to the car and I don't have the money for that sort of debt.

"That's what insurance is for, Gin," Derek said to me the day he asked me to take the car for the first time.

He is obviously crazy in letting anyone borrow his expensive cars, but I also know that he's a millionaire. He can buy all the cars he wants.

Ever since the interview came out over a week ago, I've finally understood just how famous Derek is. We were trending on Twitter and I couldn't help but peek at what people were saying. There were many people commenting how cute we are as a couple. Others called us a hoax; claiming we're just faking to be the perfect couple to help Ian sell his app. I gained even more followers on Instagram, especially after Derek posted a picture of us on his profile and tagged me, making us Instagram official. Everyone forgot all about Sadie being at Ian's party, which I liked.

Our relationship seems more solid now that we're out there and everyone knows we're together. Everything has happened so fast, I haven't even had time to worry about what happened at Ian's party. I catch myself thinking about it sometimes. It's almost like I'm trying to warn myself subconsciously, but I refuse to listen.

For the first time in a long time, I am happy. Genuinely happy. I mean it when I smile. Waking up every morning with Derek's arm around me is a gift. I don't want this dream to ever end.

"Hey, Savannah!"

I turn around and see Kim walking towards me.

"Hey," I say with a smile when she catches up to me.

DEREK'S MATCH (DEREK #1) SAMPLE, NOW PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now