Batman vs. Freddy Krueger Part. 1

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Commissioner James Gordon stood on the roof of Gotham City's police plaza, the Bat-Signal by his side and shining brightly in the night sky. He desperately hoped the Dark Knight would arrive tonight. He sometimes didn't, being too busy stopping the crime in the streets. But tonight, it was of the upmost importance that he did. He was the only option the commissioner had left. Thankfully, his prayers were answered as he felt that familiar vibe from the sudden and mysterious arrival he always had to make. Gordon turned to see the Batman standing with him on the roof.

"Thank God" he sighed.

"Is everything ok? I haven't seen you look this desperate in twenty years" The Bat said in his infamously deep voice, walking up to the commissioner.

"Yea, well, I haven't had a case this complicated in twenty years either, and that's saying a lot right there" he replied as he walked up to the bat, carrying a casefile.

"What's the problem?"

Gordon handed him the file and Batman began to examine it.

"There's been a string of killings in the past week. Kids in their mid to late teens have been getting murdered in their sleep. Each one butchered to death, but we can't figure out how. There's nothing to indicate breaking and entering and there's no murder weapon left at any of the scenes. And each night, someone else gets taken"

Batman examined the crime scene photos and details as he spoke. To say they were horrific would've been an understatement. Whoever killed these kids was a true psycho. He likely didn't have any real reason for the acts he committed, just had a sick appetite for killing. It was his way of obtaining power, bringing joy to his life. A pure monster that Batman was used to facing.

"The parents?"

"Don't have the slightest clue. None of them are the type to have any enemies, at least of this magnitude, and there's nothing to indicate a cult of some sort. Maybe this is one of the Joker's new antics?"

"No, if this was the Joker, we would know" he assured, knowing that better than anyone.

"Well, whoever it is, I hope you find them, cos we're all out of options" The desperation could not be clearer in Gordon's voice.

Batman closed the file and held it at his side.

"I always do"


After the meeting, the Bat returned to his cave with the file in hand. Just like always, his butler, partner, and loyal friend, Alfred Pennyworth, was there waiting for him. He carried a tray that held a towel and a drink for the billionaire as usual. After that, it was the usual chitchat about how everything went and what Gordon wanted. Bruce gave him all the details with the file before heading to change.

"I must say, Master Wayne, we've seen many strange things together, but this is new even for me" Alfred stated as Bruce stepped out of the changing room, now in a regular suit. "I honestly don't see how this could've happened unless the parents did this"

"It wasn't them" Bruce assured as he walked to the table Alfred sat at. "This is too big and too random for it to be a group of fanatical parents"

"Well, none of this gives us anything to go on. These murders are done almost too perfectly" Alfred set the file down on the table. "You said they died as they slept?" he asked with a curious look.

"That's what Gordon said, why?"

Alfred thought for a moment before responding.

"It sounds familiar, but I'm not sure why"

There was silence for a moment, except for the sound of the nearby waterfall, as the two tried to think of what could have caused this.

"Another thing to consider, this may not be a normal killer" Alfred broke the silence. "This could be one of the more stranger things we've ever had to deal with. Possibly even something we've never dealt with before"

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