Lokant: Chapter Three

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'I was - well, busy. I wanted to be able to bring you a stack of information to peruse.'

'Admirable focus, but you ought to eat once in a while as well. Somebody once told me that's a good idea.' She smiled and he smiled back, remembering how he'd had to encourage her to eat at the end of their adventures. 'Why don't you dine with me today?' she continued.

'Oh... that's kind of you, but I really couldn't.'

'Please,' she interrupted. 'Don't think I'm taking pity on you. Vale is out of the city this week and I'm terribly lonely.'

He knew that was nonsense. A woman of her popularity could have any number of companions at her disposal whenever she chose. But it was a kindness, and with those beautiful dark blue eyes fixed on him he couldn't possibly refuse.

'Magnificent,' she enthused. 'I'll send the carriage for you. Shall we say an hour before moonset?'

'No!' he said, horrified. 'I mean, thank you but that won't be necessary. I am quite capable of walking.'

She waved a hand dismissively. 'As you wish. But don't be late! I've much to discuss with you.' He watched as she walked to the door and left, taking her perfect figure and her distressingly beautiful face with her. He let out a slow breath, then set about returning all the books to their shelves. If he was to have time to clean himself up properly, he had to hurry.

Tren arrived at Lady Glostrum's mansion promptly an hour before moonset. In fact he had been at least half an hour early, but he'd walked twice around Fifth Circle before presenting himself at his hostess's door. He wouldn't wish to appear too eager.

He was thoroughly groomed and dressed in his best coat, a dark blue garment that had attracted the praise of more than one of his female acquaintances. Having warred with himself for some time over whether or not to take flowers, he had at length settled on taking a modest bunch of elegant white dusk lilies. He did his best to stifle a flutter of nerves as he rang the bell of the extremely handsome, four-storey house.

He waited, trying to suppress a feeling of inadequacy. He had no business appearing at houses like this; his mother was a shop keeper and his father had been only a minor sorcerer who had worked as a lamp-lighter for most of his life, maintaining the light-globes that lit the streets of their home town of Glaynasser. Tren's powerful talent for sorcery had been a surprise, and they had worked tirelessly to finance his training. Now he was among Glour City's strongest sorcerers, with a well-paid job as an aide to Lord Angstrun, the Chief Sorcerer. But in terms of lineage he was nothing; he had very little real status. And now he was mixing with Glour's highest and finest citizens, a fact which delighted his mother but which troubled him. He was finding it increasingly hard to determine where he belonged.

It certainly wasn't here. He might have left, save that Eva's face rose in his mind, wearing an expression of welcome, and his resolution dissolved. Before he had time to consider the idea further, the door finally opened and Lady Glostrum herself appeared.

'I'm so terribly sorry,' she said, ushering him inside. 'Most of my servants have a few hours off today, but I thought Miriom was in this part of the house. Never mind. Will you have tea?' Her face softened into a surprised smile as he awkwardly presented her with the lilies.

'How kind,' she murmured, putting them up to her nose. 'I wasn't expecting gifts.'

Moments later he found himself seated in a handsome drawing room, sipping tea out of an expensive porcelain cup and trying not to stare at his hostess. He couldn't go so far as to conclude that she had dressed up for his benefit, but she had changed out of her earlier, most practical attire and her gown was now decidedly finer. Her shoulders were largely bare and she appeared to be wearing some kind of waist-defining corset. Her unusual snow-white hair was, as ever, perfectly arranged and her slightly slanted eyes were animated as she talked. In this grand attire she was more alluring than ever.

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