Orlind: Chapter Twenty-Five

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Tracking down Limbane proved to be unexpectedly easy. Eva found him back in his reading room. He was reclining on a sofa when she walked in, wearing a soft pair of slippers and sipping the peculiar drink he liked so much. His obvious ease irritated her enormously, given the circumstances.

'The job is done,' he shrugged when she questioned him.

'You mean the war is over?'

'Not at all. But the constructs are gone.'

'So you just left them to it?'

Limbane took a long drink before he answered. 'We did everything that you asked, Lady Glostrum. In the process of which I lost five Lokants. Several more are in the infirmary, and I'm told that two of those will probably never walk again. I consider that a high cost for interfering in your wars.'

'Insufferable,' she spat 'when I had to ask your help because your esteemed colleague can't seem to keep out of them. I am sorry for your losses - truly - but if you want someone to blame, try him. It's wrong to punish Glinnery for it!'

'I'm not punishing anyone,' he said testily. 'I have done as you asked. What more do you want?'

Eva opened her mouth to retort, but forced herself to swallow her ire. Getting Tren out was more important than fighting with Limbane just now. 'I must ask something else of you,' she began.

'I thought there might be something in the wind,' he said comfortably. 'You'd better get it over with.'

Eva related her recent adventures to Limbane, who became more visibly irate with every word she said. By the end of her speech he had abandoned his drink and his recumbent posture, and sat glaring at her.

'You mean to tell me that the two of you tried to just walk into Krays's study? What was that, a suicide pact?'

'Desperation,' she snapped. 'You may not care whether our worlds survive Krays's interference but I certainly do! What else were we to do? We had no choices left!'

'You could have waited for me,' he growled.

'To do what? You've already expressed your utter refusal to invade Krays's Library again. Moreover, you've lied and concealed important truths ever since we first met. At this point you're one of the last people I'd trust.'

'And yet here you are, beseeching me to launch a rescue mission for your foolish friend.'

'And I wouldn't if I could think of a better option,' she retorted. 'Why don't you have a go at telling me the truth, Limbane? You sent us to Krays's Library knowing exactly what he'd ask us to do. You knew we would bring him here, and you made it possible for him to take something away. What was that about?'

'That was a trap and a clever one, though I say it myself. If you and your meddlesome companion had stopped there, all would have been well.'

'You couldn't have told us that from the beginning?'

'All right, perhaps I should have.'

Eva confined her cursing to a few muttered expletives under her breath, trying to massage away the headache that pounded at her temples. 'What did he take, and why was it significant?'

'I can't tell you that.'

'Oh? And why not?'

'Because you don't need to know.'

Eva felt like slapping the smug expression off his infuriating old face. 'We'll talk about this again, Limbane. I won't just let it drop. But first I need you to help me get Tren out.'

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