Chapter 3: Who Didn't Want to be Unique?

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They awoke at the crack of dawn, though Kel needed encouragement in the form of water poured on his head to arise.

After a small breakfast of leftover cold stew, Kel and his mother finally discussed their plan and purpose of their trip to Olania.

"So first things first, is to pay the guard, right?" Kel asked.

"Of course, just introduce me and I'll handle it."

Kel had a feeling that they wouldn't have to pay as much after all, his mother always had a way of batting her eyelashes at men and them being oh so much kinder to her.

"Should I find an apothecary or physician first before looking for a job?"

"No," she said quietly, "No, I'll handle all that. You just be sure to go to the inns first, if they won't employ you they should be able to tell you who can."

"Should I . . . try and make some extra money?" Kel said in an all too obvious tone.

"No, no thieving, we're still fine for now and it isn't worth the risk."

"Fine, how long should I say I'm staying?"

"I don't know, Kel. A while, just tell them a good while."

Kel supposed it didn't really matter. At the moment, they had no other leads and if they could find help or at least someone to point them in the direction of help, it would be here.

But if they couldn't . . . Kel didn't want to think about what would happen if they couldn't.

Day was strolling around a few dozen meters into the closest entry road, hand on the hilt of his sword whilst he vigilantly watched the few people that travelled the city as the sun rose. From what he could tell, Kel thought them to be low-level workers and the like, it was a pity that Olania had become large enough to have classes. The sense of community fading more and more with each new building constructed and each new citizen moving in.

Once again, Kel raised his hand in greeting at the guard. The guard waved back.

"Good morning, Day," Kel said as they neared.

"And good morning to you," he returned, though his eyes were not on Kel.

Kel let out a quiet sigh as he rolled his eyes. "Day, this is my mother, Essa Karric."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," she said as she extended her hand.

Day took it and shook meekly. "And you..." He was, by the very definition, awestruck.

No one said anything for what was to Kel, a very awkward few moments as Day and his mother simply gazed at each other.

"Oookay," he said with his hands behind his back as he rocked once on the spot, "I'm going now. I don't suppose you could direct me to the closest inn, Day?"

"Mmmhmm," he said, still looking at Kel's mother.

"And it is...?"

"That way." He did nothing but jerk his head to the side.

Kel sighed and knowing that he was likely not going to get any more help, he walked away. Neither his mother nor the guard replied as he said goodbye.

Walking in the general direction Day had motioned to, Kel shuddered to think of him and his mother together. He had no problem with his mother having relationships, he understood that she was a person and people want things but he was tired, to say the least, of men gawking at her whenever they went. And even his mother did some gawking this time too!

The closest inn did not even turn out to be in the direction Day gestured at, Kel walked around aimlessly for almost two hours before he summoned the nerve to ask for directions from a passer-by.

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