Chapter 5: Roots

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Essa and Kel stopped the caravan just outside of the Dragon's Trove Inn, it left plenty of room on the road and when Essa had brought up concerns about people robbing them, Kel had assured her the villagers' decency. Also the fact that it's broad daylight and Kel knows most of the villagers' faces from his nights at the inn.

Essa was actually feeling particularly good today; she awoke with little pain and had not coughed up blood once so far. It wasn't only that though, she felt excited, giddy almost. Her running theory was that she just got it from Kel, he had been so excited the night before when he came home all bruised and spouting how they didn't have to pay off Day anymore.

Of course it was good news, though Essa still thought it a pity she probably wouldn't see him again. The guard was quite handsome after all. Though Kel seemed to scowl at him as they rode past, odd to say the least.

Kel opened the inn's door and walked in with the confidence of someone who owned the place, Essa couldn't help but smile.

Her first thought as they entered was how stereotypical the place was, the smells, the whole aesthetic, it was a common inn through and through. The only exception being its exceptional size.

Kel looked about the room as they navigated the tables.

"Odd," he said, "I can't see Zallo. He's usually still passed out at this time of day."

Almost immediately after Kel finished speaking a pretty young girl, probably in her early twenties came down the stairs humming Johnny Down the Well a very common song across multiple nations, pretty much the go-to tune to dance to drunkenly, everyone knew the words and everyone loved it.

"I thought you worked alone," Essa said, smiling at the memories of Kel playing that song on his fiddle and singing along with everyone else.

"So did I."

"Hello there!" the girl said, her curly orange hair bobbing as she spoke. "How may I help you?" Her accent was dwarven, very similar to Essa's but heavier. Well, even heavier.

"Hi," Kel said awkwardly, he always sucked at talking to girls. "We're just looking for Zallo."

The girl looked Kel and Essa up and down and realization lit up her face.

"Ohhh!" she said in a pleasant surprise. "You must be that Kel lad." She placed the tray on the bar and walked up to the pair, extending her hand in greeting. "I'm Nina Keltrich."

Kel shook. "Kel Karric... though I guess you knew that. This is my mother, Essa."

Essa greeted the girl and shook her hand.

"Zallo's just out back," she said, "shouldn't be naught but a few minutes."

"So, you're related?" Kel asked, leaning against the bar as she began to inspect the bottles on the shelf to the side of the bar whilst cleaning mugs.

"Mmhmm! Grand-niece, I think technically."

"So you're part dwarf? You certainly don't look it."

Essa rolled her eyes as Kel looked the girl up and down, too obviously admiring her figure.

"Yes, one-eigth. Zallo's older half-brother was my grandfather. Confusing I know."

"You grew up on the islands then?" Essa asked. She had been there before, during a rare period of peace when the war had paused. Without bloodshed, she thought the islands to be some of the most beautiful places she had ever seen and the cities both above and below ground some of the most impressive feats of civilization.

"Yes, though I moved here to be with Zallo a few years ago, always have been close. What about you two? It's obvious you're from the north." She nodded to Essa. "But you're accent's a lot more subtle, Kel."

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