Chapter 7: The Man that was not Quite a Man

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The wagon rolled to a stop on the opposite side of the street from the inn. Kel was glad it was dark so no one could see how pale he was, the only one that was looking as nervous as he was feeling was Isen.

They all hopped off, their boots loud on the cobblestone street. Firelight came from the windows of the inn along with the sounds of composed merriment.

Zallo took hold of Kel's arm. "Be careful, lad," he said before putting his hood on and running down to the locked gate.

Kel glanced around the intersection. He was surprised there were not guards about though very thankful.

They all placed their hoods over their heads and entered the inn. Kel triple checked with Isen that his hair was hidden, he didn't mind at first but by the third time he growled at Kel to shut up.

It was worse than Kel could have thought. He counted fourteen guards and eight mercs. Two very rich looking men seemed to be the center of the guards' attention. There was also the innkeeper and a few other merchants and nobles spread around.

The only consolation was that it looked like they had been here for a fair while, and drinking the entire time.

The group took seats at a long table and gestured to the innkeeper. He came over hurriedly.

"What'll it be, gentlemen?" he asked. Seeing his face again, Kel had a sudden hope that he would get the opportunity to hit him in the face during this job.

"A round of ale and whatever's in the pot for each of us." Ekran spoke with a slightly altered accent, Diein, from what Kel could tell. He made sure not to lift his head so much as to make his face visible.

"Right away, sir." He didn't charge upfront, Kel supposed that with his richer clientele he didn't have to worry about cheapskates as much as Zallo did.

Kel put his hands under the table so no one could see them trembling. Ett sat perfectly still, Ekran put a pile of Ceps on the table and began counting, Jan kept glancing at the fireplace and Isen was wringing his hands.

The innkeeper came back fast and placed an ale in front of each of them before silently heading to the kitchen.

One of the guards made his way to the group and sat down. His armour was a little different than the rest of them, less bulky, a captain maybe? Probably allowed to wear whatever he wants.

"You fellows are a quiet bunch," he said, downing some ale. "Haven't heard you make a peep since you came in."

"We're weary from the road," Ekran said, "been a long time since we've been in civilisation."

Kel grabbed his ale and drank some, making sure to steady his hand before he did so. While he mostly did it to not seem suspicious, it did help his nerves. Ett, Jan and Isen all followed suit.

"And what business keeps a group of armed men such as yourself away from civilisation for so long?"

Kel felt sweat run down his back, Jan fidgeted.

"Ranger business," Ekran answered with no hesitation or doubt.

Kel lifted his head for a mere moment before remembering where he was. It was a genius move, the innkeeper probably already thought they were rangers that's why he was so quick to serve them.

They were armed, draped in black cloaks, quiet and not keen on showing their faces, to the common man they could easily pass as rangers.

The captain seemed to start. "My apologies for the tone, gentlemen. Always good to know that you and yours are out there, making our world safer and whatnot."

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