Chapter 17: Drown into Me

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Sorry I took so long to update! D:... (This makes up for it...)

-Chicago, Illinois - Earth -


It was the only word that could register correctly in Thomas' head. Malphas had told Thomas to attempt to attack his son, Death, to see if Thomas' capabilities as a demon were strong enough to overpower the Fallen. Thomas had trained, and trained, and trained, since he was turned. He was suppose to be special. A different breed of demon.

 Malphas had told Thomas that his son was weak with hunger, and he had been watching Death. He could have reminded Thomas that the Fallen bastard was  twice as strong as him, even in his weak state, and that his target had a demonic baby-sitter that was ready to wrestle at any given moment.

 Thomas had forgotten all about her. The babysitter, Marcy. God, she annoyed the crap out of him.

That didn't mean he thought she wasn't hot...

Actually, now that he thought about it, he thought every woman he saw since the day of his transformation, was butt-ugly. He knew he wasn't even close to homosexual with the amount of human girls he had slept with. Malphas had told him that he would never really feel an attraction towards human woman again.

The only supernatural creature capable of such emotional devotion towards a human, was an angel, simply because God made them the most loving and accepting creatures in existence.

Thomas' demonic side lusted for another female of his species from day one. He felt like some sort of animal, gawking at a piece of steak, when he saw Marcy. Especially in that that tight leather outfit and sharp blade in both hands. That glare she gave him, like she wanted to rip his insides out and knit a blanket with his intestines. Sexy was the word that came to mind when Thomas saw she was also armed with numerous sharp blades.

Marcy was sadist. She was badass. She was a whole lot more than what Thomas thought she was in high school, that's for sure. In fact, he thought pretty lowly of her in high school and used her. He'd admit it. Thomas recalled when he would sneak into her bedroom window at night and how Marcy's dad had almost caught him climbing into bed with her. They were both promiscuous in high school, and by that I mean Thomas was unfaithful their entire relationship. He didn't care, too. Their relationship, if that, was as secretive as it got, and only lasted a few months. Marcy thought Thomas was finally settling down with her and he wasn't. When she found out about his numerous lovers, Thomas had beat Marcy to it and dumped her before she dumped him. 

The break-up was brutal. Marcy went hay-wire and started hooking up with a new guy a week after Thomas. I managed to get her to calm down. She cared about him a lot more than he did. Deep down, I knew that Thomas cared about her too.

It didn't matter, now. Thomas would never let her shine in her own glory ever again. There were many fish in the sea. What made her so different from the others? If he had the chance again, he'd kill her.

Especially now that he knew she had been lying to him as well.

It irked Thomas that he didn't even know her demon name. Marcy. It was too cliché. It wasn't like she would tell him. Their relationship had to of broken her heart, demon or not. She was still a chick.

Marcy's scent, and she smelled like a group of demons. When presented with the strange feedback from Thomas, Malphas had figured out it was some sort of spell that was casted on herself to make it seem like I was surrounded by multiple guards. He had seen it used a few times. Thomas was learning quickly. Demon's like Marcy didn't travel in packs! Marcy's level of demon  were loyal an angel, usually after making some big mistakes in their life, and in return, the angel promised them protection.

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