3. Because

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After Jimin's passing it's never been loud when I come in for work. Everyone except Taehyung always show up, but it's just not the same anymore. Seokjin sits alone by the front desk all day, Namjoon shuts himself in the private office, and Hoseok and Jungkook just sit around doing nothing. It will take a long time before we get over this. 

I think about the doctors words a lot, and I feel like I'm failing as a friend because of it. He told me to take care of Taehyung and yet I'm doing absolutely nothing to help him out. Aside from the day of Jimin's funeral no one has seen him, or been able to contact him either. He's shutting us all out. I can understand if he wants to deal with it on his own, but we're hurting too, and at this rate it feels like we're loosing Taehyung as well. 

I'm going through some papers when Namjoon walks out of the office. He looks tired and worn out. 

"You OK?" I ask as he walks past me.

He stops and turns around.

"No. I'm not. It's been a week and we're nowhere near figuring out who drove that stupid car. Since the security cameras didn't show anything, I say we might as well give up."

"Give up?!" Jungkook says from the couch. "This is Jimin-hyung we're talking about! We can't just give up like that!"

"Well what do you suggest we do then?!" Namjoon asks angrily. 

Jungkook goes quiet and looks down at the floor.

"Exactly! There's nothing more we can do! No useful witnesses, no camera footage, no nothing! Let's just face it: We can't solve this. Whoever drove that car got away with it, and there's nothing we can do about it now. They were probably drunk, lost control and didn't have time to stop. Then they panicked and drove off. It's happened before and it's going to happen again."

"Yes, but... giving up feels so unfair to Jimin," Hoseok says. "Also cars aren't allowed on that road. Even if they lost control it'd take a lot to drive the car in there."

There's a slight silence and eventually Seokjin enters the room. He was clearly listening the whole time.

"So you're saying it was intentional?" he asks. 

"I dunno... either that or the person in question really didn't know how to drive."

"But who in the world would target Jimin-hyung?" Jungkook asks. "I can't imagine he had any enemies. He's the nicest- sorry... was... the nicest guy around. Detectives and police officers get targeted all the time, but Jimin-hyung was a victim advocate. People loved him."

"Either way we'll never be able to find the person who did it," Namjoon says. "Our only hope was the cameras, but they were wiped clean. Isn't that right, Yoongi-hyung?"

I realize he's talking to me and quickly snap out of my daze.

"What? Oh, yeah. We all saw the footage, or rather that there was no footage."

"But isn't that kinda suspicious?" Seokjin asks with a serious face. "Why would all the cameras in the area be wiped clean if it was an accident? I'm no detective, but I'd say that points towards it being intentional. However we don't know if Jimin was the initial target or not. It could've been someone else.."

A heavy silence cover the room from Seokjin's words. He has a point. Why would the cameras not have any footage if someone wasn't trying to cover it up? 

"So... it safe to assume it wasn't an accident?" Hoseok says. "But if not Jimin, then who was the person aiming for?"

Jungkook curses under his breath and pulls at his hair in frustration. 

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