7. Meet me

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Seokjin's funeral was held three days after his murder and even now, two days after the funeral, we still have no clue who could've done it. Taehyung checked the number out right away, but it wasn't registered to any name and had been inactivated as soon as the last message was sent. The strange thing is that Namjoon got a message at the same time as Seokjin telling him to go to the library, but it was from a different number. Presumably the killer texted him to get him out of the way. Another possibility could be that there are more than one killer, and that one took care of Seokjin while the other was supposed to deal with Namjoon. But it's all just theories since we basically know nothing about anything. It's as if the killer knows exactly what he's doing and when to strike.

The four of us that are left are sitting silently in the lounge area. It's as if all hope is gone. The one thing keeping our spirits up even a little bit was Seokjin and Jungkook's bickering, but now Jungkook's sitting completely still in the couch while just staring emptily at the wall. Taehyung's sitting next to him and is tapping on the armrest with a bored look. Namjoon is at his desk as usual trying to find some kind of lead. I'm in the armchair hoping to figure out what we've missed. There must be something. Some kind of crucial detail I haven't noticed yet, but what could it be?

"Should we really just be sitting around like this?" Taehyung asks. "We won't get anywhere at this rate."

"Yes, but what should we do? The killer is obviously a pro. He doesn't leave a trace for us to follow," I say.

Suddenly Jungkook starts laughing, and it's not a happy laughter by any means. It's almost completely void of emotion. We all anxiously look at him.

"What's the fucking point?" he says mockingly. "Half our crew is gone and, like you said, there's nothing for us to find. We won't catch him no matter how hard we try. At this rate we'll all end up dead. I just hope the killer takes me next because I don't want to live in this hell hole anymore."

He gets up and walks out the door before anyone can figure out how to respond to what he just said. He's right though. The murderer is after us, and if we don't catch him we'll be joining our friends in the afterlife pretty soon.

"Should we go after him or something...?" Taehyung asks, clearly looking at me.

"Yeah, I got it."

I follow Jungkook outside. He walks to the backside of the station and stops in front of a big tree. He takes out a pocketknife from his belt and starts carving something in the bark. I watch him for a moment before making my way over there.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm not lying to myself anymore," he responds matter-of-factly without lifting his eyes from the tree. "I've been a fool all this time. I wasn't able to see what was right in front of me." He takes a step back and eyes his creation with a sad face. "Seokjin-hyung made this not long after I had started working here. The rest of you had left and he took me out here with him. He has secretly been drinking since a while earlier, so he was clearly drunk when he did it. He said it was because I was his sidekick. I didn't think much of it back then, but now I see that he... that he since the very beginning... Holy fuck I was so stupid."

He runs his hand along the stem of the tree and it eventually curls up into a fist as he tries to keep his emotions back. His head droops down as he lets out a sigh.

"I figured I could at least fill it in for him before I go. It's the very least I can do."

Jungkook puts the knife back and walks away without sparing me a glance. I watch as he disappears back into the station, and first then do I let myself have a look at what's written on the tree.

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