5. I have

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There's still smoke coming out of the building when we get there. Firetrucks are lined up outside and there's an ambulance present as well. The windows on the third floor have been blasted from the explosion. I park the car along the street and when we step out a police car drives by and stops right in front of us. It's Namjoon. He gives us both a troubled look before making his way to one of the firemen to figure out the situation. I start walking towards the ambulance, but quickly stop when I realize Jungkook isn't following. When I turn to see what he's doing I'm met with the look of fear. Jungkook's staring at the ambulance without moving a muscle. 

"What's wrong?" I ask and put my hand on his shoulder to snap him out of if.

His breath hitches as he forces himself to look at me. 

"Hoseok-hyung... he's in there, isn't he? It's happening all over again. We've lost another one. Why does this keep happening?"

I glance over at the ambulance and Namjoon is already there having a look. Jungkook takes a step back and grabs his hair while shaking his head in denial.

"F-first Jimin-hyung and n-now Hoseok-hyung too... He never showed it like the rest of us, but Hoseok-hyung was devastated by Jimin-hyung's death. To think that he... that he decided to take his own life because of it."

"We don't know for sure if that's how it is. Maybe you should go sit in the car while I check things out, OK?"

It's not an order by any means, but he takes it as such and mindlessly nods and leaves. I take a deep breath before joining Namjoon by the ambulance. Our eyes meet and he takes a step to the side to let me see. I brace myself and lift up the blanket covering the bed. Lying underneath is the burnt body of a man, and it's only upon further inspection that I even recognize him as Hoseok. There's absolutely no hair left and the skin is either melted or burned to a crisp. The sight sight makes me sick to my stomach and I run off the the side of the road to throw up. 

"That's not a good sign," someone says, and when I look up Taehyung's staring back at me with a worried look. "Where is he?"

I point towards the ambulance and Taehyung nods and gives me a pat on the back on the way there. Just thinking about it makes me dizzy and I need to sit down. This is all too much. Both Yoonji and Hoseok passing on the same day. What did I do to deserve this? What did any of us do to deserve this?

Loud swearing wakes me up and when I look over I see Taehyung holding the blanket with a horrified expression. He quickly puts it back and crouches down into a ball on the ground. Guess I'm not the only one to react that way. 

I take a few minutes to compose myself before getting up. I walk up to Taehyung and Namjoon and try my best to keep my eyes away from Hoseok's corpse. 

"What do we know?" I ask. 

Namjoon digs around in his pocket and takes out a note. He hands it to me with a grim expression.

"One of the firemen said they found this on the outside of the door to his apartment. You should read it for yourself."

"I need to read it too," Taehyung says and gets up on wobbly legs and peeks over my shoulder to see the text. 

~My dear friends,
I know you'll be reading this, and by the time you do I'll already be gone. I'm sorry for leaving you all so suddenly, but I can't bear it any longer. The pain and sorrow is too much for me. May we meet again sometime.

A part of me wants to tear the piece of paper to shreds, but I have enough control to stop myself. Why?! Why would Hoseok do this?! He was smiling right before he left and this note doesn't tell us anything! What pain and sorrow? Sure, he was sad about Jimin, but he's been fine the entire time before this. It couldn't be Yoonji either. Why would he be upset over her? He barely knew her. 

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