Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


“Why are we stopping here again?” I asked Aaron.

We had just landed at the airport in the city. He kept telling me he needed to make a detour to drop something off for his brother, but that was all he was willing to share.

I was wondering if it was my turn to meet his parents, but he kept that piece of information to himself.

“Alright, we’ll just wait here,” Aaron said, as we took a table in one of the stands inside the airport.

“You mean we’re not going to leave? Didn’t you need to see your brother?” I asked him.

He nodded, but ignored my other question.

After that, he remained quiet. I wanted to disturb the silence, ask him so many questions. The solemn expression on his face was what stopped me.

I sighed and allowed myself to think back to this weekend.

I hadn’t seen Jeremy after visiting Matt. I said I wouldn’t see him, but it still didn’t feel right. I just knew that with Aaron by my side, I couldn’t exactly have a peaceful conversation with Jeremy. Aaron was jealous of Jeremy for some reason.

My parents hadn’t complained when I boarded the plane. My mom was so happy with Aaron, I almost felt like she wanted to push me away and join him instead. The idea made me laugh, and it made Aaron snap out of his daze.

“What’s funny?” He asked, a smile taking over his lips.

“I think my parents like you,” I told him, without emphasizing that it was my mom who went dreamy with Aaron’s presence.

“Your parents are cool and your mom’s really nice,” Aaron told me, grinning widely.

So he’d noticed the extra attention from my mom. I had to laugh at that.

“How are your parents?” I asked him.

“They’re okay I guess. Like any other parents,” Aaron replied, shrugging casually.

Before I got to question him anymore, he got up from the table.

“Jordan’s here,” Aaron said, before walking away.

“Oh-kay,” I said more to myself because Aaron had already taken off.

I saw Aaron approach a guy, maybe an inch or two shorter than him. I stared in their direction while they talked. I hadn’t noticed I was frowning until I felt the strain in my forehead.

Aaron and his brother Jordan were nothing alike, at least not in features. Their bodies were probably the only similarity between them. Both were lean and toned.

I was too far from them to see the color of Jordan’s eyes but his hair was a sandy brown color in contrast to Aaron’s dark hair. His skin had a light tan, while Aaron was more on the pale side.

If Aaron hadn’t told me they were brothers, I would’ve never guessed it.

“It’ll be a while for our flight. We should probably eat here,” Aaron said when he came back.

I was curious to ask him so many questions, but something in his expression stopped me.

I figured I could at least ask about his brother. Surely Aaron must’ve known that if his brother came, I would have questions. It bothered me that Aaron didn’t even try to introduce us.

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