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"Thank god all of this is over." Izzie walked down the hall with Oliver. "Glad to be you again?" She asked.

"Very much. I did not like that flash suit very much."

"I could tell." Izzie laughed. He looked great...sort of in the suit but he was clearly uncomfortable. "I prefer the Green Arrow suit anyway."

"What did you want to talk about?" Oliver asked.

"I know you've been through a lot. Lost a lot of people." Izzie stopped and turned to Oliver crossing her arms. "But...Barry and Iris...I like them a lot..but I've done things. Some bad things."

"Like what? You didn't kill someone right? Izzie once you take a life-"

"The man who killed my brother." Izzie felt it in her chest. The emotions growing. The pain. "My five-year-old brother.." Izzie pushed the tears back. "He beat him in front of me to death. After they taught me about my powers I looked for him. I knew that was the only way I could get angry enough to get them to work. I didn't kill him but I might as well have he was close enough to it."

"And you feel guilty?"Oliver asked.

"No...I don't. I'm happy I did what I did. I stopped him from hurting the kids that were under his care that night. But Barry and Iris and the team..."

"Doesn't see it that way. Barry's a good kid and doesn't see a lot of things the way I do. It took a lot for me to even see the things I do now."

"You mean, Felicity." Oliver nodded. "I watched the boy I loved die right in front of me. I have a way to get justice for him. But I'm afraid these people...they won't be stopped by someone like Barry."

"You're a special kid. But you carry more weight on your shoulders than you should. Team Flash has faced some scary stuff, even evil future versions of himself. You would be surprised what they could handle."

"How do I let them in. How do I know they won't look at me differently?"

"Just trust. Barry and Iris are good people. I don't come across them often and I can tell neither do you. Take it to faith. They might be mad for a while but they'll help in the end. Barry Cares about you alot."

Izzie took a moment. This whole experience has been crazy. Having to use her powers to help them. Sticking by their side when they went to jail. Meeting a Wayne who ended up being Batwoman. Seeing the world change again. Yet somehow she was never touched by the change. The changes she watched Barry, Kara, and Oliver go through was the craziest of all. Returning home wouldn't be easy.

"Thanks, and good luck. With Felicity." Oliver gave her a small smile before she started making her way to meet Barry and Iris. Seeing them from a distance she stopped. Oliver has known them for a long time now. She knew she could trust what he said about them as she's seen it for herself.

She wondered if she'd be able to take the disapointment. She'd only knew them a few days when she beat the man that killed her brother. Anger was still the only thing that she felt almost all day everyday by that point. She knows how much she's changed since then. She knew her view on what she had to do needed to shift much like the earth has the last few days bringing on new reality's. Having to take a lead in trying to help instead of stay behind.

Or Run.

She wondered where the thought came from. Just not face the disappointment. The isolation. The lecture on doing the better thing. She could run and focus on what she needs to do. Greyson can emansipate her and she'd be on her own. She could fix up her childhood home and live in it once again. She could hurt those who need to be hurt by doing it her own way. No judgement. No disapointments. No lectures on what's the right and wrong thing.

Izzie knew it wouldn't fix the whole in her heart from losing everyone but knowing those who deserve it are gone never to hurt anyone else again she knew she'd feel fine about that. Just as she felt okay watching Kyle come close to death and left in a coma. Feeling nothing but happines as she watched the blood leave his skull just as it did her brothers.

"Hey," Izzie turned seeing a face she didn't reconize. A man in maybe his late twenties stood infront of her in clothes that screamed not from around here and after today maybe not event from this time. "I'm gonna need to barrow you,"

"What?" Izzie asked. Before she could stop him his hands where around her covering her mouth. She watched as Barry, Iris, and the rest of the team vanish. All kinds of colours passed before she found herself landing rolling on the ground. "Get off me!" she yelled. She crawled back putting her hand up holding up a blue light ball to keep him away. She looked around realizing she was in a rundown version of the speedlab. "Why am I here?" She asked as she pushed herself off the ground the man doing the same thing. "Who are you? How did you do that?"

"Whoah, I can only answer one thing at a time." He put his hands up. "I'm friendly," Drawing her hand back the shield ball followed her move prepaired to hit the man with all the force it could create. "I promise!" He said. "Why do you think we're in Star Labs?" She was quiet as she still looked around. It looked like Star Labs but it was so run down. She had just trained in the speed lab the day before Olivier appeared to be Barry.

"Why does it look like this?" She asked.

"Because it's not...the same year." He said he put his hands down. "It's ten years in the future." Izzie put her hand down the ball shrinking until it disappeared. The man put his hands down and walked over to him putting his hand out. "I'm Finnegan..."Izzie smirked at his name. "But please, call me Finn." She hesitantly put her hand in his. "Nice to meet you Isabella."

"Izzie."She said. "Just Izzie." Finn gave a small nodd before Izzie took back her hand. "Why am I here?" she asked.

"To stop you from a desision you're going to regret." He said. She looked at him confused. He nodded in the direction of the hall that lead to the main hall. She followed until they reached the Lounge. He walked to a doorway that lead to the balcony only it was now night and the balcony was falling apart. Looking out at the city it looked as if it was in ruins. Buildings falling apart, parts of the city on fire.

"What the hell?" Everywhere she looked was falling apart. Even Star Labs. The lights off the only thing lighting anything was emergency lights. "What happened?" She turned to Finn.

"You," He said. Izzie froze in her place.


She sat her her face in her hands as she sat on the couch Finn next to her. She had apparently chose to run. She got the imancipation and left behind Barry and Iris doing what she wanted to but not before taking a suit Cisco made for her. She used her powers to take down the men who killed Ryan. Only she didn't capture them and take them to the Police station. She killed them. Something changed her. She terrorised the city. Stopped everyone who went after her. Even Barry and the team. She didn't want to believe it.

She cares for them. She fought to get him back and to fix the earth that had been rewritten. She tried harder than ever to stop it but she cared for them and it scared her. She never could hurt them. "I can't believe it," Izzie stood. "I wouldn't hurt The Flash or his team."

"But here you did." Finn stood.

"I couldn't have hurt them. Ever." She said.

"Izzie." He said sharply grabbing her attention. "You have to understand your powers grew. When you killed the men you took out the whole block. No one really knows what happened that night." Izzie walked off going back to the window looking out at the city. Finn walked close behind. "We only know it started when you decied to get emancipated." Izzie crossed her arms.

She couldn't understand how any of this happened. She couldn't understand why she would hurt this many people. Why she'd hurt the people who've only helped her.

"It's time we go," Izzie turned back to him. "We're seeing the one who can help change this." he said.

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