➴ nineteen.

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"I'm sorry I'm late, Estella. I was doing something and then I forgot what time it was. Zayn came and reminded me about our date, so I nearly ran out of the flat without my trousers on." Harry said as soon as I entered his car.

"It's alright, I fell asleep for a bit anyway." I gave him a small smile, reaching over the console for his hand. I squeezed it in assurance, Harry pulling in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

I took in his appearance: Hair tousled and tamed by a dark green bandana, a black tee hidden underneath his opened sweater, and his usual jeans. He seemed a bit on the restless side, bags forming under his eyes. He began to drive towards the small diner, neither of us spilling a single word. I didn't know what to say because everything I wanted to say couldn't be said. However he seems to be in a different world right now, the way his jaw clenched in concentration.

"Everything okay, Harry?" I asked. I stared at his face for any sort of emotion or hesistation, recieving nothing.

"Everything is okay, darling." He answered. I couldn't help but notice how he used the word darling. He barely used it, one of the words that were rare to hear. "How are you holding up?" He asked.

I smiled, "I'm doing pretty well, better than ever actually. We haven't been to the diner in a while and it just seems like a relief. It use to be our thing," I chuckled.

Harry nodded along with my words, his eyes looking back at the rearview mirror, and the road. We finally reached the diner which was located right off the pier. I hopped out the car, following Harry inside. The atmosphere was weird. I felt this vibe coming from him, and I had to know what it was.

We took our seat in the booth by the corner. I looked down at the table and found the carving Harry and I created on the table underneath the napkin dispenser. e&h. The lady behind the counter was making her way towards us with a wide smile on her face.

"Well look who it is," she said, "Estella and Harry. My, my, my, it's been a while. Hasn't it?" She placed the menus on the table, taking out her writing pad and pen.

"We haven't really had time to enjoy a burger and fries in a while, Betty. Don't worry though, we're back for good," Harry replied. I smiled along.

"Will it be the usual?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." I replied. She took the menus and off she went. The usual consisted of a chocolate milkshake for me and a strawberry milkshake for Harry, a cheese burger with a side of chips. The diner was the only place where we ate like pigs. This place had the best food ever.

"Harry, we have to talk," I said. He nodded, looking down at his hands.

"Yeah, we do. But you go first, what's up?"

I scanned his face, trying to find the correct words to say. I didn't want to sound blunt or ruin any future plans. I knew it was best to just keep quiet and allow him to figure out that I had found out.

"Harry, you know I love you right? And that I'm grateful for just anything that you'd ever do for me. I'm more than grateful, I owe it to you for making me happy and trying to get me through this," I said, pointing at my head. "But I can't just let you do anything, even if it's the smallest thing ever. I know I sound like I'm full of rubbish, but I'm so serious I just can't let you donate your marrow. I know it'll reproduce but still."

His face soon turned pale, mouth opening. His eyes filled with worry, I could almost hear his heart picking up it's speed. He glanced outside, looking around. "Estella," he began. Harry turned back, placing his hands on top of mine. "I'd do anything for you, even if it's the tiniest thing. I understand that you don't want me to donate my marrow, but if we're a match, -"

"We're a match?!" I yelled. My heart also picked up it's speed, a spark of hope igniting within me.

A small smile began to form on his lips, nodding. Tears began to fill my eyes with joy. What a contradiction, Estella. I said I didn't want his help and here I am secretly wanting it.

"We're a match. I can't help but want to do this for you, Estella. If I'm the only one so far who can make you better than so be it. I will be the only one, and I promise that after this we can go wherever you want, and we'll do whatever you wanted to do."

I wiped away the tears the escaped, smiling. My hands reached across the tables, engulfing his big hands in my small ones.

"You don't know how happy this makes me, Harry. You make me happy, and you have made me happy. I just -- I can't believe this. I know I said I didn't want you to help but I can't help but want to take it so I'll get better and we can go wherever we want to go."

"So let's do it. Lets tell your parents, let's make this appointment and get it done. We can't lose any more time, this is it. This is your chance."

And so we took the chance. We immediately broke the news to my parents, leaving my mum in tears and my father happy as ever.

"You're a true blessing, Mr. Styles. You were most certainly sent from above, a call of hope. I don't know if I can ever repay you, but I'm so happy that you can save her life." I heard my father say. I guess you could say I was eavesdropping but who cares.

"You don't have to Mr. Rose. I'm happy as well that I can help Estella in this way. The last thing is just making the appointment and getting it over with." Harry said.

My father said, "Very well than, we shall get to it!"

A week later Harry's family and mine sat in the waiting room while we were getting his blood marrow into mine. In my mind I thought it was just simply taking Filgratism everyday, but I guess the doctors didn't think it was the best.

So we took another route. I spent at least an hour in the operating room, and they most likely had needles and what not going and taking out blood etcetera, etcetera. Of course I was under anesthesia to block out the pain.

A couple days later Harry and I were on the road to recovery. The first week of September, I was announced cancer free.

And boy, you don't know how free I felt.

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