➴ twenty.

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Song: Night Changes by One Direction


"Look, there's no need to panic Estella. This is our third Thanksgiving together, it'll go smoothly as always." Harry said.

I sighed as I continued sliding dresses down the rack. None of them seemed to catch my attention.

"But it's different this year, Harry. How do you think they'll take the news?" I asked. I heard him shuffle around. I could picture him pacing back and forth in our apartment, thinking on the useless questions I was asking.

"Estella, they'll probably be happy. Don't stress over this, it's useless. We'll figure out how they'll take it tomorrow. Finish your shopping and come home, love."

"Alright, see you in a bit. Love you."

"Love you," he said.

I had been panicking all day long, not sure how Harry's family and mine would take this news. Surely they can't get mad, I mean Harry's twenty-five and I'm twenty-four. Yes we're pretty young but Harry only has two more years of university left, and I have three but we can do it.

We have Eleanor and Louis to help us out as well, who are already making it into their thirties and have it handled by now.

I went from store to store, going crazy for a nice dress. I had been hoping to find a white or light colored dress, in hopes that it'd fit my body good. This is probably the last time I'd ever be able to pull off a skin tight dress. At least not for a while.

The dress that I finally chose was perfect, and beautiful and it was better than what I had imagined. Yes it's just for Thanksgiving, but I probably won't be able to pull this off as good in December. It was a cream color with a lace designed. I'd most likely pair this with nude flats or something, I don't really know. 

I carefully placed the dress in the backseat of my car, starting the ignition and driving away. I really didn't know what was going to happen tonight, whether it'd be filled with tears of disappointment or tears of joy. Maybe even a little bit of both. Gemma had already knew, she was the one who was with me when I found out. She helped me go through it of course, I was panicking and confused. I didn't know what to do at all. 

"Gem, what if this is just a mistake? This just has to deal with something else, like bad food or something." I said as I paced back and forth in my living room. She watched me from her spot on the couch, a small smile on her face.

"Look it's all going to be fine, just take two deep breathes, sit, and eat. Let this all wash over, and we'll find out the truth in about fifteen minutes," She said. Fifteen minutes.

"I can't wait fifteen minutes, Gemma. I need to know now, do you know how I feel? I feel like everyone will be disappointed in me."

"Estella, why are you being like this?" Gemma began, "This is something beautiful, the start of a new flower. The start of your life with Harry. Who's going to be disappointed in you? You have your life together, you're going to university with Harry, and you two are going to graduate. You both have stable jobs, and a lovely apartment. What's so wrong? Nothing. You have everything in your hands, stay calm."

And so I stayed calm. 

That conversation was just about a week ago. You can only imagine how it went down with Harry. 

I stared down at my hands as I waited for his response. His eyes were wide open, glued to my face. His mouth hung open, small breathes escaping past his rounded lips.

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