➴ harrys eulogy.

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Like in all romantic books and movies there's usually a happy, cliche ending. These hopeless romantics begin to describe a phony love that can just basically be perfect on paper and movie screens. You have the two love birds who run to each other and one catches the other, smiling and what not.

Then you have another pair of lovebirds who dance in the rain and kiss without even slipping. I guess the universe didn't want that for Estella and I.

Before I came upon the meaning of life, I had questioned it everyday. I thought, what's a life without a purpose and what's a purpose without a life? Why live a life without a purpose? Little did I know that I was going to stumble upon my purpose. Estella Rose was my purpose. I was soon able to answer my own questions. A life without a purpose was basically nothing, and a purpose without a life was basically nothing as well.

But there were so many answers as to why live a life without a purpose. The main one that I thought was correct was to find a purpose. Yet a life without a purpose seemed to strike me the most. What's a life without Estella Rose?

Leave-less trees lifeless from no sun or water, once beautiful flowers now drooping, clinging onto it's last bit of life.

A sky full of dark grey clouds and a night dark as it can get. The stars would hide behind the clouds as it would have no purpose to shine. The days would be gloomy as usual, a usual midst in the air.

I'd be living in a silent movie. Muted actions being performed, but there'd be no music to my ears. It would be like a dreamless night, just living in a blank and empty world.

Life with Estella Rose was beautiful though.

You'd hear the birds chirping, frolicking in groups from destination to destination. Trees would be standing tall with their branches and leaves looking vibrant, swaying along with the wind.

The sky would be bright, clouds moving across the blue-light surface.

The flowers would be alive, their petals sometimes falling. But that's okay, everything beautiful has to go.

Estella was an amazing person. She was like the sun, - blinding yet beautiful. No, she was more like the galaxy. This big blob of a mystery, but it was a beautiful blob.

She made me feel on top of the world. There was just something about her that made me want to stay some more, and take her out to places. Like the sun, Estella was able to blind me. I didn't know what I was doing, but heck, I don't regret a minute of it.

When my days were gloomy, clouds blinding my vision, she was my ray of light from beneath the clouds. Her laughter was my joy and music to my ears. Her calming, soothing voice brought peace to me and I couldn't help but be so thankful for having her in my life.

Estella was a lost, confused soul. I remember when I first met her, and she had this pessimistic yet hopeful aura around her. She just wanted to be saved like everyone else on this planet. And, I did too. But I was able to manage saving both of us. Sure I was touring around the world with my best friends, but I was still confused with where I wanted to go in life.

I was able to give her advice in her time of needs and she was able to do the same too. They say two broken people aren't always a match, but we proved those bystanders wrong.

A life without her is nothing. But nothing is something, yet that something was a nothing to me.

The bed used to feel half cold, and with her it felt warm. I unraveled this monster that cancer created to reveal a beautiful rose.

Yes it pains me to know we won't grow old together. To know we won't rock in our chairs together, watching our grandkids beat each other up and then make up. Despite the fact that Estella Rose is no longer with us, I was still able to have my happy ending, and to know that she is finally safe and sound comforts me even more.

She may not be here with us physically, but in the spirit she is. Alas she has reached peace, and as I already said, she is now safe and sound.

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