Chapter Sixteen: When The Lion Meets the Challenge

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I adjusted my jacket lightly as one of my men along with my third in command, Enzo, took their stride off to the side of me. The two black SUV's that we arrived in only moments ago sat starkly in comparison to the light sleeker cars that covered the street of the financial district strip in the broad daylight. We moved quietly into the centre way of the front entrance of the large bank as the loud, chaotic sounds of the city overwhelmed each other during the height of the afternoon rush. I reached out in front of me and opened the door to the Alliance Independent Bank that I owned. Walking inside to the clean and almost cold sterling silver, mirrors, and white interior I glanced around behind my black sunglasses at the workers who were working meticulously assisting customers, standing guard, or working at their desk. Walking to the glass window not occupied by someone I was greeted immediately.

"Hello, Sir. How can I help you today," The old teller asked politely. I smirked at him in silent approval.

"Yes, Ingrid Johansson, the manager of this bank should be here. Tell her that her boss needs to speak to her," I said and his eyes widened in understanding. He hurriedly got from his desk and to the phone behind him.

"I'm pretty sure his heart stopped beating for a moment," Enzo commented lightly off to the side. 

I scoffed, but I held a small smirk on my face. He did look like he'd seen the grim reaper come from the shadows to claim him as he shuffled off. Not too long later, the loud clack of heels could be heard purposely making their way down the hall as a middle aged women appeared with a head full of highly teased ash blonde hair emerged with a smile on her face. Ingrid Johansson was the third generation operator of the independent bank headquarters that my family charted decades ago. Her grandfather was the overseeing manager for my grandfather, her father and uncle carried the responsibility for almost all of my father's tenure as Don, she worked diligently for me. 

Ingrid was a nice enough older lady, but understood perfectly well the business that truly occurred here. Within the walls of this building, millions of dollars of dirty drug and ammunitions money floated its way through and was made clean and legal. The large five story building served as a bank, office space, and held its own legal department meant to cover every base of the real nature of work that occurred within its most secured walls. Alliance over the decades had become a financial staple through the country. However, the main areas of its functionality was within the Leone territory that encapsulated the American South. From Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, and up to Virginia money was distributed, but this was the headquarters of it all where essentially everything came. 

"Well, I was beginning to wonder when I'd be seeing you around again. Come on back. Everything is ready for you to see at your leisure of course," She said with an easy drawl and bright smile on her face. I nodded my head as I followed her to the back of the first floor and to the elevator shaft that lied tucked away in the back. I took off my glasses finally away from the large group of people.

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