Warehouse Holdout

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Krowe was right on the front lines as Darov's men came into view. They barreled through the front gates to the harbor in their armored trucks, smashing the gate that the Rattlesnakes had fashioned out of old metal.
They left smoke as the rubber on their tires skid across the concrete of the roads until they came to a stop in front of the warehouse, about a football pitch away from the main doors. The skirting of the trucks clicked off and was lowered to the floor by hydraulics, making it impossible to see right under the underside of the trucks. This was to protect their feet and turn the trucks into full sized barriers.
The sound of the side doors sliding open could just be heard from above the soon to be battlefield as Krowe sat behind a sheet of reinforced metal on the upper walkways, he held a radio in one hand, and his gun in the other.
He looked to two of the machine gunners he had brought up with him as they both stayed hidden from sight as well when shuffling reached their ears. Many footsteps hitting the hard floor and metal being clanked about.
Krowe didn't have much time to think however, as the radio buzzed and he quietly answered it.
"Hello? Krowe here" he whispered

"It's me, Kestrel. The crane is positioned over the front entrance. If anyone gets in, Peacock can drop a whole bunch of the giant metal pipes on them"

"Right, good work. They're setting something up out front from the sounds of it"

"Machine guns maybe? Be careful"

"Will do, stay safe" he spoke, turning off the radio and looking to it for a few moments. He then turned to the two gunners with him and slowly stood up, but just as he did, bullets went flying.

They blasted through the metal and rattled the whole building. The machine guns sounded like a hammer being slammed against a bolt of lightning, a loud thunderous clap, followed by a sharp pang. Krowe couldn't tell how fast it was going, but it was definitely faster than the combined heartbeats of everyone in the warehouse. But it seemed to only get faster for every single one of those heartbeats they found and silenced.

He covered his head and looked to the gunners, pointing at them and yelling "Shoot back, shoot back!" He ordered. And they did just that, they picked up their obviously older model of machine gun and clamped it onto the railing. They began to fire back at them, which a much slower rate of fire and not nearly with as much lethality.
They only fired for a few seconds before Krowe watched their bodies burst into a red liquid that was sprayed behind them, and then they fell limp and onto the floor. What was left of them anyway. 

Within a few seconds he had lost the front gunner, he had hoped they would have kept them out for at least a while. His hopes were crushed, and he wanted so badly to pay his respects to the two who had died for him, but he knew there would be more, and if he stayed any longer he would just die as well, and their deaths would have been in vain.

He grabbed his gun and ran down the walkway staircase into the upper offices of the warehouse. Windows looked down at the workfloor and at all the Rattlesnakes preparing to fight, but the machine guns went right through the doors. Their bullets had no problem going trough the metal. The only thing that seemed to stop them was the armored cars that Kestrel stole earlier.

Leaning out of the window, Krowe took a breath and called out "Everyone get behind the armored cars! The bullets can't go through them!" he did his best to be heard, but only a handful of people could hear him over the gunfire. They tried to tell others, and soon enough most of them were behind the trucks.

Krowe ran down the hallway and towards the elevator down to the ground. He stepped in and pressed the button, which of course sent him down. He tapped his foot impatiently, but he suddenly fell to the floor when the whole building shook, and an ear shattering explosion went off.

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