Part 1, Where do they all come from?

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The genetic landscape of Sojurut consists of at least eleven mortal races, some are almost as old as the planet from which they evolved. Others have randomly appeared in subsequent ages. Particularly, the age of evolution was a hotbed for new races on the continent.

The races are — by those who are knowledgeable about such things — separated into core races and other. The core races are those who have evolved separately from each other, and from which all the other lesser races have come into existence. The core races in order of age are: Trolls, Knomes, Kor, and Akri.

The peoples of Sojurut are numerous and and belligerent. They are, however, also as varied as one might expect. Ranging from the most fundamentalistically tolerant progressives to just plain fundamentalists or fascists if one prefers.
Most peoples don't survive the ages. They either get absorbed into another people through peaceful cooperation, or destroyed to the last weeping child through conquest.

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