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The Soldier was officially out of the woods by late morning when the sun shone the brightest. They had continued to sleep in the creepy old house, even when the house owner's spirit left. Ashlyn had commanded The Soldier to go back and rest before their trip. She also apologized for acting the way she did.

He could hear her cry all night, but he said nothing about it.

When they left the forest, they were greeted by a real, paved dirt road, and The Soldier couldn't help but sigh. He pushed the wheelbarrow towards the road, and continued on the winding trail for a mile or so afterwards. They snacked on the rest of the food they had found, and got to a much larger town by noon. The Soldier became weak by this point, and crumpled when he saw the first signs of human life.

People casually walked the streets of the town, minding their own business until The Soldier and Ashlyn strolled in. The people whispered and gushed over them; completely new strangers in their city! And one was being carried in an apple cart, no less.

The Soldier has enough, and leaned against the cart. He was tired, and he needed rest. But the way the people looked at him made The Soldier antsy. What could they want?

"Could it be?" One lady muttered to her husband as she stared down Ashlyn.

"She died, just like the rest of them," her husband answered.

The Soldier looked around, and noticed that everyone was staring. They gaped, but The Soldier just pretended not to notice. The woman and her husband stood beside them, and The Soldier turned to face them.

"Where is your king?" The Soldier asked the woman.

The lady chuckled nervously. "Oh no, dear. We're democratically elected now. We have no king."

"But what of a leader?" asked The Soldier. "This maiden here with me, she came from a trading kingdom from the woods called Winnefed. She's in danger, and we need help."

He gestured towards Ashlyn, who was nervously playing with her hair again. The woman he was talking to ignored The Soldier, and bent down towards the girl.

"You're her," said the woman. "My God, is it really you?"

"Who are you?" Ashlyn asked, obviously scared.

The woman let out a shaky laugh, and she wrapped her big arms around Ashlyn. Everyone began cheering, rejoicing with each other. The crowd began to circle in on them, chatting excitedly.

"We all thought you was dead!" The woman said, crying. "All of us raised you as you were our own sweet girl f'years. When the silent death hit Winnefed, we still had you, but then you was taken from us. You disappeared and we thought the death got you too, somehow."

"I know you, don't I?" asked Ashlyn. "I–"

They embraced again, and The Soldier found himself awkwardly walking back and out of the crowd. The people could probably figure this all out on their own. The Soldier was already confused as it was. It was a story he did not belong to, he felt, and he watched from the sidelines as it all unfolded in front of him.

° ° °

The town of Antorio was filled with very kind and accepting people. They were already planning a big celebration for Ashlyn's return that day, and had insisted that The Soldier stayed for it all. The townspeople had dressed them in their finest clothes, and created large and flavorful meals, but it made The Soldier restless. A small pain had blossomed in his chest, and it was one he was not familiar with. He needed to find Marian Mells, and get to the Tree of Life as soon as he could.

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