Chapter 6 - Taylynn's Warning

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Talon fidgeted with his antique coin, eyes flicking over his surroundings. He and Bedelth occupied a private sitting room provided by Queen Jade for their own personal use. Those among his entourage had been likewise accommodated with spacious quarters.

Like all the rooms in the palace, the floor, walls, and ceiling were made of crystal. Crystal! As cold and calculating as those who had constructed it. But the furnishings were warm—small comfort that was—in hues of green and brown.

"Maybe they aren't coming," he muttered, rolling his coin between his fingers. He and Bedelth were waiting to meet the young woman credited with rescuing refugees from Kaljah. "You would think Prince Feowen was traveling halfway across the kingdom to find her."

"Patience, my king. It has not been that long."

He grunted before returning his attention to the coin.

Nearly ten more minutes passed before he heard voices. Then a loud knock at the door. He slipped the coin into his pocket and stood, adjusting his crown as the doors swept open. Bedelth came to stand beside him.

Prince Feowen entered, trailed by a woman intent on huddling behind him. "As promised," the prince announced, bowing his head. "The woman we discussed." He stepped aside. "Jeanine, this is King Talon. King Talon—Jeanine."

Jeanine came into view just as her foot caught. She stumbled. His gaze narrowed. Clumsy as she was tentative?And they'd called her a warrior!

Yet, she was dressed like one, forgoing the usual attire of a female. His eyes lingered over her dirtied clothes, worn boots, and the sword belted to her waist. His rogue thoughts went to Claire. They'd likely get along—the two of them.

With very little grace, Jeanine dropped to one knee, bowed her head, and then muttered something unintelligible about how she was pleased to meet him.

The side of his mouth twitched. "You may rise," he said. She did, keeping her eyes downturned. "I am honored to meet you, Jeanine. Prince Feowen has told us much of your bravery."

Her face reddened. "The—the honor is all mine, Your Majesty. I had not...I did not expect...that is to say..."

"Please, be at ease. Come, sit." He conducted her to a nearby chair then turned to Prince Feowen. "I appreciate your assistance, Prince. Do not let us detain you."

Feowen's eyes narrowed. "I had planned to remain."

Jeanine's eyes bolted to Prince Feowen before darting away, settling on her hands folded in her lap.

"That will not be necessary. These are kingdom affairs."

Long seconds passed in which they held each other's gaze, then the prince nodded at last. "Of course, as you wish. I will wait in the hall."

Jeanine's throat bobbed and she managed a nod.

Talon took a seat across from her, Bedelth beside him. He noticed the way her eyes darted. She looked everywhere but him. Others might have found it offensive, but he was all too used to it.

"This is Bedelth," he said, hoping to put her at ease. "One of my Shields. He has served me faithfully for over a hundred years." Jeanine's eyes widened a measure.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jeanine," Bedelth said.

"Likewise," she croaked, then pursed her lips, looking appalled with herself.

"No doubt you are wondering why I have requested an audience with you?" He studied her.

"I..." Her face turned a darker shade of red.

Verath the Red (Dragonwall Series #3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें