Chapter 31 - Traveling with Talon

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Eigaden Plains

Claire slid from Talon's back, carefully avoiding skin to scale contact. Her feet stumbled on solid ground, body stiff from hours of disuse. "See you in a bit," she said, shouldering her pack.

He answered with a plume of smoke before taking flight with several others to hunt. She moved away to a secluded area, seeing to her needs. Gods, she couldn't wait to have her privacy back, and a toilet. A real toilet, not some hole she had to dig in the dirt.

She shielded her gaze against the setting sun, looking out over the landscape. No tree cover for miles, flat land as far as the eye could see, with yellow grasses that grew nearly waist high. It was the kind of vast open place that reminded her of how small she was, of how insignificant. If she squinted, she could make out Talon's form in the distance, hunting. She watched him swoop down and out of sight before turning away.

She kept her Sprite dagger lashed to her belt, thankful that Talon had thought of such a gift. It felt safer having it in a place like this. Even though she was within shouting distance of plenty of pairs.

Their party selected a stretch of land somewhere on the Eigaden plains near a small stream. When she returned to the others, someone had already magicked the grass flat in the surrounding area and set up a large fire. Smaller cooking fires were spaced about it.

Living in the wide open wasn't easy. It wasn't favorable. But it was made better by magic, thankfully.

"Nice sword," Bedelth said, appearing beside her, eying her pack. "Had a chance to use it yet?"

She opened her mouth then frowned. "Not since the Vodar attack in Talon's tower."

He nodded. "Some of us are going to practice. I need to get my muscles moving. Care to join me?"

"Me?" She glanced around.

"Yeah. Why not?" He appraised her. "Let's see what you're made of."

"You don't have a practice sword? Koldis and Jovari always give me a practice sword, or even a wooden staff, if they can strengthen them."

He huffed. "Nothing like that around here. No trees. No sticks. If you're concerned, I can blunt my blade with magic." She opened her mouth, then frowned. "Or are you afraid I'll best you in front of the king?" He glanced at the horizon, as if searching for Talon's returning form.

She choked. "Like I care about that!" But she did. Even though she'd never admit it.

Beside them, several of their camp mates were constructing a spit over the cooking fires. She glanced in their direction. Maybe she could brush off Bedelth's offer and help the others instead.

"Well?" he said. "If you're not embarrassed, what are you afraid of then?"

"Nothing." She squared her shoulders. "I accept your challenge, King's Shield. Do your worst."

Bedelth grinned. "I thought so. Come with me."

She snorted and followed him away from the others, her pack slung over her shoulder. Of all Talon's Shields, Bedelth was the least known to her. In fact, she knew next to nothing about him. She'd spent very little time with him compared to the others, though Talon seemed to appreciate Bedelth's calm presence and often selected the Shield for journeys like this. Yet, something told her a mischievous personality lurked beneath his dark skin and calculating eyes. Perhaps the next several days would afford her an opportunity to get to know him better.

It appeared that others had the same idea in mind. They'd already assembled off to the side with Sveraks drawn. A couple of Riders, too, who had blades of their own. Though that was less common, since Riders preferred bows.

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