Chapter 19 - Until the Very End

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Fort Squall

Davi looked out over the pairs assembled across the field. Nearly half their forces were patrolling the wilderness, scattered over the extensive territory of Vestur. His chest reverberated with a growl. A plume of smoke seeped from his nostrils. Only one hundred and fifty-two Drengr today. One hundred and fifty-two! Gods! Some were so old they would tire quickly, while others were too green to have any business taking part in this attack. Like Byron.

His lids closed over his eyes for the span of a breath. A dark calm in the chaos of his mind. A moment of peace.

"I am with you, Brother," Reyr said. "We are in this together. We will see it through."

"Aye. We have no choice."

He had always wondered if something in their twin bond allowed them to sense the other's emotions. That theory held true today. He swung his head to the right, looking over at Reyr. Thank the gods Reyr was even here. The king's own Drengr Fairtheoir, flying beside them into battle. Still, it did not guarantee victory. Far from it.

He turned back to the bay, back to the enemy dotting the horizon. He mastered his fear and spoke, "Fort Squall, I call upon you! The day has come to meet our enemies in battle!" All around him, the Drengr clawed the ground with their talons, anxious but eager. "We will not allow these beasts, these kingdom destroyers, to harm the innocents we are sworn to protect. We have a pact with humanity, a pact as old as an age. We were created to destroy this clan. To bring peace to Dragonwall. And destroy them we will!" Roars shook the ground beneath him. He thrashed his head, letting his agitation show. "They must not reach the city. We will meet our foes over the bay. Are you with me?!"

Increased bellows from his kin pierced the morning air. "We are with you!" came their words.

"I am with you, my love, until the very end." Emmy's voice wrapped around his mind, warm, enduring.

"And I with you," he returned. "Until the very end."

The bells in Squall's End continued to toll, to sing the song of impending battle, to cry out in fear, in warning. So many people within its high walls. So many refugees from all over the territory who had fled south from the dragons' pillaging and burning. All helpless.

He hoped its people were shut away behind closed doors, their windows shuttered. Those of higher birth would be deep within the bowels of the city's keep. As if the deep places would offer solace from dragon fire. Opening his jaws, he let forth a battle cry.

It was time.

He had made good use of their share of the Ice Metal from Captain Bennett. It had been melted down with the help of Lord Averaen's skilled smiths. It now graced the heads of the dragon lances along the city and fort's walls. It also kissed the shafts of the arrows nestled in the quivers of every Rider.

Crouching low, he mustered his energy and sprang from the earth. His body catapulted upward, heavy but powerful. Around him, the others followed his lead, moving as one. Hundreds of years of practice, of drills, of growth. For this moment.

He was overly aware of Byron, flanking him on the right, taking up third position. His heart tightened. He couldn't keep his son from this fight no matter how much he wanted to. But he was proud to have him here. Would they survive it?

"Byron's fierce heart makes up for what he and Tamara lack in training," Emmy said. "They will fight well."

The fort's Drengr were skyborne now. They maintained their formations, advancing. Each set of wings beat steadily against the morning chill. The sun climbed from the horizon, bathing the world in a fierce golden glow each time it peeked from a distant cloud.

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