Stalker much?

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I hurriedly got into my car and drove off. That was weird they knew I was there. Maybe it was just a coincidence. I hope so but anyways, I got a jacket, a knew shirt, a pair of shorts, and leggings. I start school tomorrow oh great. Since it's still pretty warm in just going to wear a light jacket and my Nikes. I'm just going to straighten my hair and do a natural look. I pulled into the driveway and headed upstairs to cut off my tags. After that I threw my hair up in a ponytail and went to go watch tv. My dad isn't here so I watch tv and ate some toast. After a while I heard my dad pull in I decided to ask him where he's been. "You were out early." I said. "I was at my new job, by the way I'm going to be out of town for two weeks starting tomorrow" Out of town? I wonder where he's going but yea! House to my self. "Ok" I went to get a water and ran up to my room after he left to go pack. It was already 9:30 so I figured I'd head to bed early. I set my alarm to 6:45 since school started at 8:00. I wonder what tomorrow will be like. Hopefully I can make some friends or something. I'll have to ask about joining the cheer team. My mind slowly drifted back to the mall. Do they all live across the street? Looks like I have some things to figure out.

Hope you enjoyed vote please c:

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