So Many Secrets

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Hey guys up there ^ that's the walking dead so sad. I'm trying a new way of writing so it's easier to understand tell me what you think. Can I get some votes pleaseeee? How about for updating so much? The sound of the rain on my window is really helping me get into this. Enjoy (:
Summers POV
The nurse was a wonderfully kind woman. Her eyes shined brightly. Like seeing a long lost child. I felt sad like something was missing, but nothing was.

"Oh Sweetie! What happened?" She asked quiet loudly. "Just a nose bleed, it happens a lot." I smiled weakly

Her name was perfect and simple. Mrs. Beth. (sorry I had to)

I laid down by the window listening to the rain hit the glass. I watched the drops slide down the window and drip off. I love this weather reminds me of before.

Weird how it was just sunny recently. Still it was enchanting. I'm so not looking forward to telling Jake. I don't want to start anything.

Why did she warm me aren't they together anyways. It seemed like they were. What ever it is at least I don't have to worry about it anymore.

I'll stay away from him. Easy right?

I have been in here for a while. I think I should get going. The nurse gave me pills to ease the pain. It wasn't that bad. The cold just makes it hurt worse.

I pull my black baggy sweater that says 'It's a beautiful day to leave me alone'

Now that I'm warm and cozy I can do anything.

I said thank you to Mrs. Beth and grabbed my stuff and start heading off to Jake and Ashley.

Isabel practically knocked me over.

"Oh my gosh are you okay! Who did this." I felt like I was being questioned on a jury.

I remembered thinking of reporting the man. No one would have believed me though. I would look like an idiot up there. What would they have done anyways.

Fined him that wouldn't stop the nightmares. Wouldn't fix the fact that I don't like guys I don't know touching me.

Speaking of guys and trust my best friends come back. Yay I miss him so much. He will be staying with me for a few days while my dads gone.

"Hello?" I snapped out of my daze and felt a blush coming on.

"Look guys it was nothing just a misunderstanding." I tried to assure them. The look they gave me let me no they didn't believe me.

"Fine, it was the girl from earlier the one with Carter." They all had an irritated face.

"It's fine guys I'm good, lets just enjoy sixth period." I assured them.

We headed to P.E turns out I can talk to the coach about cheerleading. Bad thing, the girl from earlier, 'Jenna' has this class and Carter was back again.

Ashley, Isabel, and I walked into the locker rooms. Turns out I can wear my old schools gym clothes.

I dressed into my short Nike shorts. Not going to lie they are really short but oh well. I was just wearing a t-shirt that said Don't sweat the small stuff.

Since it was raining we will just be walking the track. While I was waiting for Ashley and Isabel I headed up to the coach.

I smiled widely and said, " Hi I'm Summer I'm new and I want to tryout for cheerleading."

She smiled and told me about tomorrow's practice and how I can tryout there. Yay.

Ashley was wearing pink shorts and a white tank top with the word Imperfect. Isabel was wearing a grey tank top with love on it and black shorts. We headed outside.

It was so cliche the wind blowing, the guys staring, the girls glaring.

You could here a couple growls, they need better windows. At my school I always wished I could be like the cool kids. Now I feel like I am. I can start forgetting about before.

Jake and Carter came over to us. Jake stood right by me and Carter looked annoyed. Isabel pointed out that Jenna was staring again.

I just shrugged. I'm not even talking to him so forget her. I herd Jake's whisper yelling. 'How could you do that to her!' Or other small parts like 'Why do you care!' So many secrets.

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