Happy Family

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At Anasuya's House

Mahalakshmi shouted on Anasuya

Mahalakshmi : Anu!! Leave him..

Anasuya holds Anand hand tightly, Mahalakshmi shouted on Anand

Anand : What magic you did to my Daughter? She is my daughter, My property..leave her..

Mahalakshmi said to Anasuya

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Mahalakshmi said to Anasuya

Mahalakshmi : Anu!! He is trapping you for your Money..Why don't you understand this?

When Anu not replying to her, Mahalakshmi asked Ramaligham

Mahalakshmi : Ram, Please said to him..So many High official guests will come for Engagement, If it cancelled, I can't show my face to anyone.I will lose my Prestige.

Anand replied to Mahalakshmi

Anand : Your Prestige is only Important to you,Athaya not My father's Prestige? Your Property is only Valuable for you Not My father's Property?

Anand : Your Prestige is only Important to you,Athaya not My father's Prestige? Your Property is only Valuable for you Not My father's Property?

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Mahalaskhmi became shock for his words

Anand : If we know trapping for Money,My father would wrote Agreement with you or he would demand you to give share in your Profits. If he did any of these things, I would be in Your place and you would be in my place.

Ramaligham about to stop Anand

Ramaligham : Anand !! Now, What is need to remind those things?

Anand : No, Mamaya!! Today she have to know.The latter we are carrying for her from 25 years, Now We need to drop that.

Anand said to Mahalaskshmi

Anand : Athaya!! I will tell in your language. The Property you constructed on my father tomb is your Fort.The game you played with his life is your Investment.His love is mad to you,His Relation is Business to You, His Prestige is Unworthy to you.

His love is mad to you,His Relation is Business to You, His Prestige is Unworthy to you

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