Meet Vanessa.

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"Alright class," Professor Baxter smiles the toothiest grossest grin any one person could imagine. "Your homework for tonight is to explore. Try to become as aware of your body and it's pleasure as possible. I want you to picture a scenario until you get there. When you do, I want you to write down whatever scenario got you there, who you pictured, how they touched you and vice versa, and I want an emotion sheet, I want to know how you felt. Rather that's ashamed-" His eyes meet mine, "Vulnerable, exposed, confident, whatever it may be, I can only help you if you let me know what's going on." He breaks our gaze and his eyes sweep the class. "Yes Professor." The girls coo. He smiles and sets his coffee mug on his desk, probably as aggressively as he could. "Did we all do our homework?" I try to turn my head down before I blush, but like always, he's already seen me. "Vanessa?" Fuck. Every goddamn time. "It's coming Professor." I say, my cheeks burning red. He laughs. "Isn't it always Ms.Brown?" I swear everyone in the building laughs & my face feels like it's on fire. The other girls all set their homework on his desk. He smiles at each and every one of them. "No big deal," he chuckles. "Talk to me after class." I shift in my seat. "Yes sir." I hate this school, I hate the assignments, I hate the curriculum, I hate all the other students, and I especially hate my professor.  But I have to help my family somehow, and my body and innocence is all I have.I should've lost it a long time ago, maybe I wouldn't be here. Though some of these girls aren't really virgins, just liars. The bell rings, and the girls all shuffle out. I hang back as I was told, and Professor summons me to his desk. "You'll never flourish if you don't do the work V." He looks up at me, his blue gaze piercing through mine. Sometime's, even when he's talking to me, I wonder what the fuck is he looking at. "I am trying to help you, but if you don't even try, you'll end up being expelled." He stops for a moment, as if giving me time to absorb. I nod my head. "I'm sor-" He cuts me off. "Don't you know how many young girls are dying to have your spot here?" I nod again.I don't give a fuck.  "Don't you know how lucky you are?" I wait to make sure he's done before I speak. "Yes Professor," I say. "It's just so hard to get used to it." I mean how many school send kids home to masturbate for homework?" Seriously though, it's just weird. "And we understand that doll, that is why we push you." He pauses to take a sip from his mug. Everyone's pretty sure it's three parts whiskey. I could use some right now.  "But we need you to be willing Ms. Brown." He finishes. "Yes sir." I say. Time to pretend I care. "I promise in these next few weeks I will try as hard as possible." I can't get kicked out, my family and I need this. Really fucking bad. He smiles. "Then you are dismissed. Enjoy your day." "Thank you Professor." I smile and turn to walk away. "And I want today's homework along with the last three you missed. Tomorrow." God I fucking hate this man.

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