Chapter Forty One • Eavesdropping Enemies

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The Prince's Choice won 1st place in THE RUBY AWARDS in the category for historical fiction! WOHOO! I never even imagined that my story would win anything! So happy!

I want to thank everyone one of you for encouraging me to keep going with this story. All of your votes, comments are so important and appreciated and for that I want to say THANK YOU!



The queen was sulking in her chamber. She had already made two maids cry using only her sharp and unforgiving tongue. All within the short period of time the girl had been there. The maids hadn't been quick enough to leave after finishing their chores and that put them in the crossfire of the queen's bad temper and current foul mood. The lady in waiting simply sat in silence and did nothing to help the servants. She considered her above the servants, even though she was nothing else than a glorified servant herself.

The lady in waiting was about twenty eight years of age. She was some lord's daughter, one that apparently had too many daughters because the poor soul still hadn't had a single suitor and her father didn't seem to care at all. From what the servants whispered, the lady never received any letters from home. So she stayed in the court and spent her days with the queen. Listening to her spiteful words and agreed with everything she said.

On the other hand, the lady wasn't the nicest person... one could suspect that she had gotten this from the queen. Some say that you become alike those you spend all of your time with, and this would most definitely be true in the lady's case.

A lady in waiting wasn't supposed to stay long... rather she was supposed to stay a shorter period if it was possible.

The lady in waiting was of a lower rank than the queen of course, often of noble descent or some rich lord's offspring.

The girl had seen plenty of girls come and go in the service of the queen, but this one was, surprisingly, still here. The queen had a gift when it came to working her way through her young servants. A handful had actually run away because of how horrid she treated them. Others actually married.

The girl sometimes suspected that the queen had picked Lady Ingridh because she wasn't the fairest of girls around... which resulted in that no suitors asked for her hand in marriage. This in turn then resulted in that the queen didn't have to bother with selecting a new boot licker every year or whatever time they left after.

By picking this troll she doesn't have to meet another stranger and let them into her life... It is rather clever of the queen. I have to give her that... The girl thought to herself as she threw a look in Lady Ingridh's direction.

"What are you looking at, girl?" Lady Ingridh suddenly spat out, catching the queen's attention immediately.

The girl quickly pretended that she was cleaning a table by moving some of the queen's trinkets around.

Lady Ingridh didn't look like she was going to be fooled by the girl's diversion. Instead her eyes rested on her, watching for a mistake to be made.

"Don't bother, Ingridh. The girl is as slow as time around here... She always lingers and I quite frankly cannot even bother to even scold her about it or care anymore. Ignore her. She will leave soon." The queen muttered and only gave the girl a hastened look before turning it back to the flames. Her words were nothing but sincere. She truly looked like she wouldn't blink if the girl dropped dead on the floor right now. On the other hand, she felt this way about almost everybody in the castle - except her family.

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