Chapter Sixty Five • Coronation • Part 1

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** The chapter has been divided into a part 1 and 2 because it became MUCH longer than I had anticipated. And I mean ridiculously long. Maybe I should have divided it into 3 parts lol.**

There aren't words that can express how grateful I am for your votes, comments and overall support.

This is a warning! This chapter is veeery long!


The guard disappeared from their line of sight as Loren put his boot in his back and then stepped aside. All that was left of the guard was a light snowfall specking the stone he had knelt on and blood stains from his punishment.  The punishment Jade had executed. 

William's heart was beating so fast he was sure Jade could feel it as she pressed herself against him. She nestled against his chest, seeking closeness and protection. He placed his right arm around her waist and his left across her back. Shielding her completely. 

The sound of the guard's grunts and cries as he fell down the long stone steps was all that could be heard for a long moment. Other than that, there wasn't a sound or word being uttered. Not on the top of the stair or in the courtyard.

 When he finally reached the bottom of the steps low murmur passed through the spectators below before a thick silence spread across the courtyard again.

"Are you alright?" William whispered to Jade. He grabbed her cheek gently, but she wouldn't look up at him. "Jade?"

"No, I am not alright... I don't know if I went too far..." She whispered and hid her face against his chest to hide away from what she had just done. 

Don't do this. Don't hide. He begged internally. It was spectacular. 

Pride surged through him as he relived the moment when she had cut the guard the first time. It had been the most exhilarating moments in his life. Not because she was marking a man in such a brutal way, but because she looked so powerful. So fearless. So right for what she was destined to be. His queen. 

"He is still alive." William chuckled and placed a kiss on her forehead. "You did not go too far." 

"How can you-"

Jade was interrupted by what sounded like a low murmur of voices, emanating from the crowd below them. The murmuring grew slowly into separate cheers and then more joined in. The ripping sound of hands clapping erupted. Within seconds ear-deafening applause filled their ears and both William and Jade looked out towards the courtyard.

They're applauding her. William felt his heart scream with joy as he heard the people praise Jade's actions. They love her. They approve of her. 

"What is happening?" Jade asked curiously, still nestled against his chest, but he felt how she wanted to move forward to see what was happening below. 

"It's for you."

Those were the only words William could muster. He wasn't even sure that she had heard him because he had breathed them out. Barely audible. 

William eagerly looked to his side where his father stood. In his face he saw the same pride he himself felt for Jade. He had been right all along. She was going to be the most fitting queen this kingdom had ever seen. William's father smiled through his thick beard and it soothed something deep inside if him. 

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