Chapter 3

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Aiden's POV:

As I get out of the car I see Jailyn rush out of the car and say or sign a goodbye to my little sister. But I felt a slight pain in my chest 'Why didn't she say goodbye to me' it's probably nothing she probably doesn't even like me. As my friends chat away my friend Dante nudges me "Hey man, how was your summer? " He asked me but he already knew my answer "Meh, it was alright I spent most of the time at the local pool and the gym". I have always loved the water, it was like my second home as weird as that sound. My friend Jenny says that I would be a merman if they existed and honestly I wouldn't mind '*chuckles* yes I'm weird deal with it!'

After catching up with my friends hearing about their summers, I headed inside the building and of course the usual happened. There was girls screaming for me some saying weird ass comments like "Fuck me Aiden!" Or "Why is he so hot?!?!!" Even though I do consider myself to be handsome the attention it brings makes me uncomfortable. In all honesty I don't know what made me so popular, the only logical reason is probably becauss I'm the QB but even then I don't see why people treat me like I'm royalty. It's stupid, people should just treat everyone fairly.

As I'm walking through the halls I heard the familiar crying and whinning 'Really? Right now? I don't want to deal with her thirsty ass, the year just fucking started.' *sighs* if your wondering yes, of course I'm talking about Karrissa. She was a childhood friend of mine then it turns out she liked me but I didn't return those feelings but I felt bad to just cut things off with her especially knowing how her home life is so, the least I could do is be friends with her.

As my friends tell me they would be getting breakfast my eyes drifted to the floor seeing a faint trail of blood at first I thought it was Karrisa's since I overhead someone saying she got kicked in the face but the blood wasn't her's, in fact she wasn't bleeding at all. Curiosity got the best of me so I followed the bloody trail which lead me to a room I've never been in before. As I opened the door shock hit me when I heard and saw someone crying and hiccupping wait is that... "Jailyn?"

Jailyn's POV:

I look behind me to see if someone was near by but luckily, thankfully no one was so I went through the door and closed the door behind me, limping to the piano bench and saw the damage my shin and calve were in. ' Darn it those heels really did a number on me.' I sighed in exhaustion, next thing I knew small wet streams ran down my cheeks, my nose became a little runny, great 'I'm crying...' I hate crying at school but here I was crying because of Karrisa and her stupid slaves. I grabbed my back pack and took out my own little first aid kit, on the lid of it was some painted flowers and a little medow, on the back of it was a forest with night sky filled with stars. I painted it just so no one would think it's a first aid kit or think I was weird. I take out rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab and roll up my pants wow I was bleeding a lot more than expected so I felt a little dizzy but I had to clean myself up.

As I was crying discreetly from the pain I was too busy to realize someone had opened the door.. ' Someone followed me? ' right before I did anything a deep voice made me stop dead in my tracks like a deer in headlights '...No no please no no no no please go away '

"Jailyn? "

I turned my head and saw the last person I wanted to see me cry ' of freaking course... Just my freaking luck.' it was Aiden, his face filled with shock, worry, and curiosity. I panicked I didn't know what to do I couldn't tell him to get out, I couldn't even move my leg. It hurt too much to take another step. I started hyperventilating as my heart was beating at 100 miles per second, my eyes and mind were getting foggy. I was scared.. I was... Ashamed.

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