Chapter 4

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Jailyn's POV: 

(Time skip) 
I can't believe I said yes... how the hell I'm I going to go to his house without getting caught, get there in time with no ride, and I have to go back to the house to eat. I rub my forehead as the teacher talks I don't pay much attention I look outside the window and stare at the indoor garden of the school. I found it last year not many go there people usually go there to be alone but unlike me people actually have friends or go up to the rooftop I'm scared of heights so I'd much rather stay at ground level with flowers. I drift of to space and blush remembering Aiden helping me. He was gentle and kind the exact opposite of how you would think he's like but yet again I shouldn't be so quick to judge him. I start getting annoyed with hearing people so I reach for my headphones in my- 'no.. Nononononono where is it?!' I check both my pockets and they're empty and I shuffle through my backpack and I lightly hit my forehead with my fist mentally yelling at myself for being so stupid. *sighs* I guess I'm going have to look for them later or buy new ones hopefully I can't find them. 

I check the clock and start getting ready for my lunch I stand at my seat to avoid getting nudged or bumped into as everyone starts crowding around the door much to the teachers dismay the kids all start flooding out the door as soon as the bell rings. Little did I know that I had a certain someone in all my classes. 

As I make way through the hallways I limp my way towards my locker hearing people murmuring "omg it's the first day and she's already fucking someone" "Nah no way she's too ugly who the hell would want that " "She probably seeking attention". No matter how many times I hear the talking, whispers, or name calling it always hurts but I don't show that of course. I make it to my locker and see black sharpie and big bold letters " Slut" *sighs bends down getting something out of my backpack* 'this is really getting irritating and it's just the first day... ' I quickly paint over my white locker with white paint and yes I do keep a small painting kit with me don't judge! As I finish painting over my locker I hear yelling and lockers slamming " Where the hell is she?! *irritated scream* she's gonna pay for kicking me! "  My eyes widen dang it it's Karissa I quickly open my locker and get inside luckily I'm small enough to fit and I close my locker have the lock in my hand. I cover my mouth in case I make a sound and to muffling my breathing as I wait I see her storm past my locker not noticing I was there or the words on it were gone. I sigh in relief and get out of my locker looking around to see the coast is clear. 

I put my things away and take out my lunchbox I had ready the day before I grab it and my phone and make my way to the garden. 

No One's POV:

As Jailyn was making her way to garden and making sure someone wasn't there. She caught someone's eyes none other then Karissa herself she smirks and tells her group to stay and eat while she needed to make the mute pay. 

Karissa's POV:

As I make my way to the garden I see the little mute freak sitting in the middle and has a lunch box in her lap and her phone to the side playing music *rolls eyes* god she annoys the shit out of me. 'She thinks she's smart and cute doesn't she?! Thinks she better than me?! '  I open the door to the greenhouse or whatever this place is and lock it. "Well well well think you can hide from me forever? " *I kick her lunchbox off her lap**stomps on her hand* "you thought you could get away with kicking my gorgeous face?! " 

No One's POV

Jailyn was screaming crying in pain but obviously no one came to help. Karissa kept kicking her stomach, stomp on her hands with her stiletto heels, and kept throwing her horrible names and how useless she is and would never be better than her. Jailyn was on the ground with a busted lip bloody nose and entire body aching as tears fell and her box was still securely closed to the side as she laid there she wondered why her? What did she do to deserve this kind of living? Would it ever change or be different? She just wanted her mom again to feel her hand stroking her hair, hum in her ear her favorite Korean lullaby "Island Baby"

(There's no lyrics for translations sorry. )

   oh how much she missed her eomma. Yes Jailyn was Korean but both of her parents were raised in America but her Eomma was fluent in Korean while her dad only knew the basics. Jailyn's mom used to call her a baby bear in Korean (agi gom) so would her father but that all changed when my eomma died she passed away on March 3rd when Jailyn was only 6 years old that when it all went down hill her Appa wasn't her Appa anymore he was a monster... 

After laying on the floor the bell rings for the last class of the day. With much force and groans of pain jai lifted herself from the floor and stuffed her lunchbox in her backpack in hope she would be able to eat it later. The only thing that was going through her mind was to not let anyone notice anything but someone did once she walked in the room and that was the beginning of Aiden watching over Jailyn or keeping a close eyes on her. 

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