Chapter 16

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Well it's been a few weeks in school already and I made the varsity football team which I'm siked about! I can't wait to invite jai to my games! Out of all times I've been with peanut she seems more comfortable with me which makes me super happy! She's actually pretty goofy well not purposely her little clumsy self always gets the best of her it's pretty adorable. We still haven't hang out maybe I should finally propose that ice cream date
'Date?! Wtf! I didn't just think that grrrrr whatever just grrr'

I go to the library and look for jai usually she would be sitting in the corner table where no one can really see us but today she's not there causing me to pout a bit I look around and she isn't anywhere near 'Maybe she's running a little late' After half an hour I get a little irritated 'Why the heck isn't she here!!'

*bell rings*

Huffing in disappointment I start walking to class wondering where the hell is peanut. I next thing I know jai comes in over half way through class avoiding my gaze and gives a small note to the teacher. She had her head down and her arms around her stomach 'Hmmm I wonder what the note says or where she was'

Jailyn's POV:

I woke up pretty relaxed than my purpose usual screams and cries. These past few weeks were actually okay everyday Aiden would be with me in the library or sometimes at lunch but not much he would even offer to give me a ride home. But I would always decline his offers not to be a burden let alone where would I put my bike? Besides I don't want him knowing I have a nice-ish house, why you may ask well I have my reasons. Anyway during the time I would be with Aiden I couldn't help but get shy around him every time he was close or when he would offer to feed me his food I would turn red and turn my head and just hear his chuckles causing me to get more shy.

This morning I wanted to treat Aiden with snacks so I went to the convince store just around the corner of my block. As I was looking for snacks that he could potentially like I heard familiar voices.
'maybe I'm just hearing things it couldn't possibly.... Please don't be them.. ' as I was about to go towards the cashier to check out I fell to floor on my hands and knees hard feeling some had kicked my back. I freeze and start to shake hearing that nasty gross raspy voice again "Well well well looks like we found our punching bag *chuckles darkly* you know I've been having a rough start and past few days so what do you say we have a little fun".

I start hyperventilating I rushed to my feet grabbing the basket of snacks with me but I was too slow I was being held by two guys both holding an arm each and the asshole pulling on my hair I wanted to scream I was shaking uncontrollably I felt so grossed and trapped 'Stop touching me!! Let go of me!! No no no!!! Let go!! S-stop stop no please stop!!!!' I screamed internally.
" Awe is the little mute going to cry *laughs* look at her the stupid little bitch is gonna cry~~~ I hate crybabies!" He growled out angrily.

The one pulling my hair is Tyke, he is on the football team and Karissa's sex buddy they aren't together but you know they've done it which is really uncomfortable to think about. He lands punches on my stomach causing me to scream in pain but one of his pig friend covers my mouth causing me to freak out more I tried getting out of their hold but I couldn't he just kept hitting my side and stomach. I was crying in pain and muffled screaming for help but the owner and employees were in the back unpacking newly delivered boxes of items to sell.

Tyke just kept laughing and throwing punches and his pigs laughing with him. They finally threw me down on the floor and all three kicked my back, stomach, legs, and face luckily not hard enough to break any of my teeth but to sure as hell my nose bleed and cut my cheek pretty good. I was limp on the floor crying just wanting to crawl up in my room and be with the first person that popped in my head, Aiden.
'I want to go to my room... I just want to be alone with him... I want him... Just leave me alone... '
Tyke steps on my neck I squirmed trying to get free only to make him more satisfied to know I feared him and was weak under him. "Tell anyone your dead meat. You got that mute freak. " I nodded refusing to look at him which causes him to smirk with one final kick he and his pigs left high fiving each other. After a good while I finally lifted myself up from them ground having dried blood on my face and hands I pick up the snacks that were untouched and luckily I had my backpack with my bike that was outside hopefully they didn't touch it. I weakly limp and since to the cashier I hide my face with my hair and look down.

With clear concern on the owners face after I put the snacks on the counter he looks at me then the snacks and sadly smiles and just pushes them back towards me gently I give him a look of confusion and he just simply says it's his treat so I thanked him by bowing and I went outside and thankfully those pigs didn't touch my things so I put the snacks in my backpack and get out some baby wipes I had 'Yes I have baby wipes leave me alone '.

I get my phone and use the camera to help me wipe away the dried blood and sigh when I see the damage they done I look at the time and I'm late to school and didn't bring my makeup bag great. Debating whether I should go home or going to school I decided to go to school and give Aiden the snacks I bought for him.
'I hope he doesn't make me answer or tell him what happened... I don't want him to know... But my heart wants him to know but I know better to ever think anyone actually cares... But he cares r-right?'

(Sorry it took long to update I'll try to update more frequently anyway hope your enjoying so far)

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