Chapter 81

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Cybelline stood facing the young dryad who held his leader by the throat.

"Let him go." Cybelline said quietly, "I am much more powerful. And I promise you, I'll give you a much better fight."

Ganymede laughed, "You? How can you compare?"

Cybelline raised her hand, in her hand was were a hundred tiny balls of fire, dancing on her skin, blazing with the power of tiny suns.

Ganymede's eyes lit up, he threw Melas down, calling roots to secure the man to the earth. Looking at Cybelline, he raised his staff and spoke a spell, calling forth the the sickly green magic to form a net. Ganymede threw the net toward Cybelline.

Cybelline raised her hand and the fire met the net. The two met in mid-air and created a huge sound, Cybelline's eyes narrowed as she saw that her fire magic being eaten by the net. Quickly, she jumped out of the way of the net.

Ganymede laughed and called out in a sing-song voice, "Run girl, if my net touches you, then you'll be eaten as well, my magic needs a lot of power." 

 He turned to Melas, who lay injured on the ground and placed a foot on Melas's chest, "I can't wait to kill you." 

Melas glared up at the boy, "Your magic is corrupted. Ganymede, what have you done?"

Ganymede's face was monstrous in the firelight, "What no one has dared. I made a deal with the Lady of Light. She gave me the additional power, and I promised her the ultimate weapon that would be worthy of a god." He patted the staff, "I'm almost done, it just need to absorbed the half-bloods."

He watched in slight irritation as Cybelline dodged the net once more, "If we are all destined to live hidden helpless lives, then at least I will find a way to live comfortably." He looked at the injured Melas with unbidden savagery, "You destroyed us first with the half-bloods, I'm only looking out for myself." He spun the staff, "You know, this is so good, I might keep it for myself."

He called out to Cybelline, "Give up. You can't defeat this magic." Ganymede raised his hand and the net came back to his hand, this time he spoke another spell and it created thick, grayish green vines that rose out of his hands, they grew a hundred fold in size. Slowly, they began to take form and became a giant man.

It was a wiggling mass of thick vines that gave off a putrid smell of rotting flesh, each one as thick as the trunk of a great tree. The vine man roared and the ground shook.

Cybelline was reminded of earthworms and snakes, her nose wrinkled in distaste.

"You are seeing a new power being born, too bad you won't be able to tell anyone about it." Ganymede said smugly.

"You know, you're just my type." Cybelline said with smile.

"What?" Ganymede blinked, "Your type?"

He smiled, "Is it because I am so powerful?"

From afar Killian, despite fighting three mages at once, studied the young dryad with scrutiny. Was it the hairstyle? The clothing? What did Cybelline mean? When he was finished her, he must take a closer look at the youth. He would not be beaten by such a youngling.

"How do you walk around with such a big head?" Cybelline rolled her eyes, "In my other line of work, before I came here, the only aspect I enjoyed was taking down people who were pure and utter filth. The kind that their own parents wanted to get rid of. You are exactly the type I look forward to turning into powder." She looked at Melas, "You won't mind if I destroyed him, right?"

Melas shook his head, he was still wheezing from the pain, "Please, be my guest."

Cybelline smiled, she now knew this magic, even if she did not know its name. This was just like the magic of that had imprisoned Leonmithas, except his was ancient. This was even more potent.

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