Epilogue - Jinon & Kyria - Part 3 of 3

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Kyria smiled and nodded.

They descended the mountain soon after.

Kyria and Jinon landed in a small open plain. The roaring waterfalls in the distance added to the lush breathtaking scenery of the place. With the field of sunflowers that waved in the winds, the butterflies who flew in joy, and the icy backdrop of their mountains in the distance.

He sat down by the black zither with white strings and began.It was the soliloquy of soliloquies without a word. The saga of the Butterfly Lovers came to life underneath his fingertips.

Her dance matched his notes as if they were one, the perfect harmony of sound and sight, a love letter answered.

It was the story of two people who never should have met and yet, doing so, fell deeply in love. They promised each other their love, and parting the first time, mistakenly thought they have had all the time in the world.

From then on they chased after each other, never really meeting at the right time. The music expressed their longing, their love, their struggle at trying to hold onto each other. It was the crescendo of youth and young love, naivety and innocence.

It was the long sigh of lovers who were kept away too long, and yet, lived in each other's hearts every day.

It was the joy of meeting again and the frustration of the meeting being too brief.

Finally it was the violent and abrupt parting of two lovers, as they were forced apart.

Kyria danced through it all, it was their story and it was the story of every love that never found happiness.

She danced in defiance of fate.

When the final note sounded, Jinon's head fell to his chest. His heart was slowly, painfully tellingly him that he didn't have much time left.

Kyria came to him like a red streak of light. He smiled at her, "Let's go home."

She carried him up the mountain, as he had all those years ago, kissing his face and murmuring assurances. When they came back, she laid him in the crystal sarcophagus that had been her resting place for the last thousand years.

His eyes followed her as she laid him down.

Kyria walked to the entrance of the cave. With a smile and a shake of her head, "Where you go, I go."

With that her fist struck the side of the cave. Rocks from above creaked and cracked and tumbled down. The entrance of the cave blocked by thousands of tons of ice and snow.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his body was dying but his eyes remained clear. With one hand, glowing red magic began to form as she quickly drew three symbols on the fresh rocks that blocked the door. They gleamed in the dim cave. She smiled, took out a knife, and slashed her wrist. The blood flowed out but didn't flow down. It flew like a thousand little darts into all the carvings that Jinon had made.

"All these years that you spent, carving tiny pieces of your soul from your body. All these years of agony for me. Did you really think I would let you suffer in this world alone?" She asked, "We couldn't be together in this life. And if you are so determined to not have another one, then you leave me no choice. I hope this can save you."

Jinon smiled, he couldn't be mad at this infuriating and stunning creature, "Must you always go against me, woman?"

"Only when you are not doing what I want." Her face was stark white but she walked over and laid down beside him and kissed his face. "If you think I'm ever leaving you again, then I guess I have to prove to you that I never will."

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