Chapter 98

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It took three days for the fae and humans to find their young and get everyone settled.

On the third day, Cybelline walked toward the Fae Tree, she smiled and felt its power. Before it had been a vast river in her mind, its powers overwhelming and yet she had gained mastery over time.

But now it was hair thin in comparison to her new powers. She raised her hand, "It's time, old friend. Time to grow."

The earth shook and roared, as the tree started to burst with growth, its trunk expanded as its roots dug deep into the earth.

Buildings crumbled as walls that had been build by the fae in forced labor came crumbling down. Cybelline felt the rich growth of the tree and knew that it was time. This land of the Fae would be same yet different, it would not just be the home of the fae and folk once more, but a gateway to the Dominion.

The tree towered over all trees and swayed in the wind. Cybelline looked at her finger and saw the glowing, faint markings of the ring. She smiled, "Yes, it's time you come out too."

She knelt by the earth and whispered, "Grow."

The land rumbled and slowly began to expand. Cybelline fed the land of the ring into the the land. The maps of the realms were to look a lot different as cartographers would shake their hands and wonder how an entire realm suddenly showed up overnight. Borders had be be redrawn as the mysterious land of the Fae and Folk reappeared. The giant Fae tree was a signal that the rise of the fae was imminent.

Cybelline turned back to the fae, "You are free to go home."

At those words the Fae felt for the first time, the connection to their land once more. The young who had never known what home felt like stepped on the earth and took a deep sigh. They had never felt that sense of belonging until now. They had never know what a true home felt like.

In the east were the dwarf mountains, the west was great woods of the Dryads, the North was the home of the Ice and Air fae, the south the fire fae. This great land had appeared once more, their land beckoned.

Their magic flowed back into their veins, as the broken circle healed itself. The fae, having lost their queen, their home, and their source had been greatly weakened. Now, the warriors returned to full glory.

Leonmithas felt the rush of power and turned into the great Ice Phoenix. His cry could be heard for miles, ushering the new era as the fae returned home.

Oqir and Kima raised their hands and columns of earth shot towards the sky, and they laughed in joy.

The fire fae looked at the different fae and quietly flew towards the south, their fae leader was dead. They were happy to have their power back, but it would be a long time before they smiled.

Beric turned to look at Isthan and Ceric. Power enveloped their bodies as they grew taller and became stronger.

Ceric's hair turned golden as his ears grew sharp and pointed. He felt the power of the air course through his veins. When he saw what he looked like, he gasped. He was a Air Fae, a slyph.

Isthan and Berin both grew as well, one imbued with water powers and the other with fire. They smiled, they had finally grown into young men, just like Ryion.

Myrai held onto Ithos as they watched the boys grow and turn into adults, joy unrestrained on their faces. Suddenly, Myrai buried her face in Ithos's shirt.

Cybelline went towards them and frowned, 'What's the matter?"

Ithos's youthful face showed heartbreak, "Miri...she's gone."

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