35 - by the porch

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Before we start this chapter, let's do a short recap...

In the last chapter of Smile, Billie, Finneas finds out about what happened with Bea and his sister through hints on her Instagram stories.

Billie felt vulnerable and weak because she felt as if all her efforts to make Bea happy isn't enough.

Finneas feels for Billie, but he tells her to understand Bea's situation — she had just lost her dad.

Billie takes in her brother's words, and the two hug out the situation.

Now on to Chapter 35...

Now on to Chapter 35

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35 - by the porch


6:48 a.m., Los Angeles, California.

The cold, early breeze hits my face as I take a deep breath; fixing my stare at the sidewalk in front of me.

I need to fix this.

I slowly walk by the sidewalk, and look at the houses I pass by.

But, I don't know how...

Our neighbourhood, Highland Park, is quiet at hours like this.

Not a single thing could be heard, except for the soft sound of the wind passing through the trees, a few vehicles and bicycles passing by the road, and the sound of my footsteps leading me to somewhere I don't even know.

I should go talk to Billie.

I look at the ground as I walk mindlessly through the neighbourhood.

But, I don't know when...

A few moments later, I hear a dog barking from a distance.

I follow the bark, and I realise my feet has brought me to some place familiar to me.

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