Chapter 32

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Unedited.. (please don't mind the typos. I'll edit after I complete the book.)

"Amal please get ready all ready, don't waste any more time please."

"The way you are behaving it's as if you have never been to the park. Seriously, they are not even here!" Amal whined back.

Airah huffed and sat back down on her bed. Ever since Areef told her about an outing to the park with the kids she couldn't keep calm. She knew if not for him Abba would never have agreed for her to go for that she's very grateful to him. She made a mental note to thank him later.

She watched Amal impatiently as she changed into a bluish black jilbaab, it looked very good on her. She applied her kohl and lip balm. Airah knew that was one of the things she and Amal had in common. They were never into making up like other girls their age who can't go to the neighbors house without covering their faces in layers of make up.

"Earth to Airah!!! " Amal shouted waving her hands in Airah's face.

"What?" Amal rolled her eyes.

"I said your phone is ringing. " It was then she heard the vibration.  She picked the phone and slide the answer button Immediately.

"Hello?" She said into the phone.

It was Areef telling her they were outside. She told him they'll be right out.

"Amal, they are outside. You done right?"

"If I'm not will you wait for me?"
Airah grinned widely which looked made her teeth display look very fake.

"Of course, why wouldn't I. After all what are friends for." Amal smacked her gently. "Yeye bessfren, so you would go and abandon me."

They finished their mini banter and we're out.  They saw Ummee sitting in the living room.

"Ummee, they are outside. We'll be going now. " Airah told her trying to stay calm.

Ummee nodded and prayed for them telling Airah to not stress herself much.

"Ummee, don't worry I'll make sure she only walks and take pictures. The fun is for us not her. "

Airah smacked her while Ummee laughed. Once outside they spotted Areef's car and headed there. Seeing them Areef's was quick to come out.

'Are they really not related? ' he thought to himself seeing them in similar clothing made them look like blood related sisters- twins at that.

"Mr. CEO, good day?" Amal said once they reached him waving her hands at him. Airah suddenly felt like a specimen put on display as Areef's eyes focused on her.

"eeeeeeheeeeemmm!! " Amal coughed loudly making Areef's eyes to fall off Airah's frame.

"You guys know we don't have all day right? So chow chow let's go." She made her way to the back door opening it.

Airah suddenly felt awkward. Her standing before Areef like a mouse caught in a cat's den.

Just as she was about to murmur something she heard him say "Shall we? "

She nodded her head and followed his lead as he opened the passenger's door for her. She got in murmuring a thank you.

"Anty A!!!! " the kids said in unison once she got in.

"Oh hey guys. I missed you guys I'm so glad to see my babies. How's your mummy? "

"Mummy is sheeping (sleeping) Anty A." Fadeelah answered enthusiastically.

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