Chapter 41

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Airah felt like she was being carried when she began waking up. She felt warm on her right side while chilly on the left. She tried to rub her left side due to the cold but she couldn't raise the hand it was tucked firmly between her body and another warm body. She was quick to open her eyes. And as she felt she was indeed in Areef's arms as he carried her bridal style.

"Where are you kidnapping me to?" she asked her voice a little hoarse.

Areef almost dropped her. He didn't know she had woken up. He must zoned out while walking to the car.

He rushed to the open car and placed her inside. As soon as she was seated he hugged her small frame like his life depended on it.

"Don't you dare do that to me again!" he rasped.

"Do what? Sleep off?"Airah mumbled confused.

Areef relaxed his hold a bit. He pulled back until their faces were inches apart.

"What do you mean sleep off? You  don't remember? You were having some serious headache and you passed out."

"Headache? Are you sure?  I don't remember having any headche today." She told him still looking lost.

He studied her. She was telling the truth. But why can't she remember what happened.

"Areef? What's wrong? Where were you taking me? "

He hugged her again placing his face in the crook of her neck and then heaved a deep sigh.

"The hospital." he deadpanned.

"You were taking me to the hospital because I slept off? Who does that?"

He backed away from her. He stood up and closed the door and then went round to open the driver's door and entered the car.

"Seriously Areef, where are we going. You can't be serious about the hospital."

"Look, you need to see the doctor. I wanted to wait tomorrow but I can't anymore. You didn't just sleep off. You were really sick. Have you seen face? And you seem to have forgotten what happened today. Can you recall today's event for me right now?"

Airah furrowed her brows trying to recall anything she can about the day. Everything was a blur the more she tried to remember the more blurrier her memory gets.

" You see? You can't recall anything. We are going to see Mahmud right now. " Areef said with finality in his voice as he kick started the car.

He sped out of the house off to the hospital.

The car was dead silent. A lot running on their minds. Areef was so scared and kept praying this is only temporary not something that will keep on happening to her while Airah kept wondering what happened that scared Areef this much.

Reaching the hospital, Areef called Mahmud telling him they were coming in.

They knocked on his door and walked in when he answered. They shook hands with Areef while they exchanged pleasantries with Airah as she teased him about his engagement to Amal.

"So Airah, can you tell me what happened today?"

"She can't, because she can't recall." Areef was quick to chip in.

Both Mahmud and Airah gave him a look.

"I'm the patient here right, So can he not give us room?" Airah asked Mahmud.

Before Mahmud could utter a word he was stopped by Areef's words. "Don't even think about it."

Airah sighed in exasperation. "Okay, I have some flashes of the day. Like walking Areef to the door in the morning. Deedee coming to visit but can't say what we talked about. Everything is just blurred and the more I try to remember the blurrier it gets."

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