Author's Note

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For anyone that's read this until the end, thank you so much! I hope you've enjoyed the story.

I want to address Noah's experience with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) for a minute, because it is, in fact, real. I've had experience with this myself, actually, but nobody I know has had it or even knew what it was until I was diagnosed.

People tend to be doubtful, perhaps because of the name chronic fatigue; everyone gets stressed and tired all the time, but this is different. This completely disrupts daily life. I missed almost a full semester of school and had to quit swimming competitively. I was bedridden for months and went for quite a long time without seeing friends. And I was in constant pain. Imagine almost the worst headache of your life, and then imagine having it non-stop for upwards of a year. EW.

I won't go into much more detail than that, but the reason I bring this up is mostly for awareness. Not a lot of people know what CFS is, including doctors, and it can be really disheartening when people think you're making stuff up for attention. According to the CDC, there may be up to 24 million people affected by CFS worldwide. So, if someone you know is affected, try to understand what they're going through and show them some compassion ^-^

Okay, now that that's over, I want to thank you all once again for reading. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to DM me. <3

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