Chapter Thirteen

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Peter sprinted for the edge of the roof, dodging the strange darts that were fired his way. He shot out a web and swung off the roof, away from the men in the strange masks. Peter let out a yelp when he saw they were following him.

"Get away from me!" he screamed as he tried to lose them. There were six men in total, all wearing black masks and black clothes. The only distinguishable thing about them was the orange octopus on their right shoulder.

How were they so freaking fast?!

They jumped from rooftop to rooftop, managing to keep pace with Peter's stride all while shooting darts at him. Peter dodged as best he could but his swings began to falter.

His eyes widened when he saw another dart head straight for him. There was no way he'd be able to dodge it!

He braced for impact when a loud metallic ping sounded right in front of him.


Tony looked up as FRIDAY's alarms started blaring loudly. They were in the middle of a round of monopoly when it went off. "Fri? What's the situation?" he asked, standing up as quickly as the rest of the team.

"Spider-Man has been spotted swinging through southern Queens." she said.

"Time to go guys," Steve said. "Suit up. Remember---talk first, incapacitate second. Got it?"

"Got it." Tony said, pressing his arc reactor and smiling as his nanotech formed his suit around him.

"I mean it Tony," Steve said firmly. "Do not engage. We need to catch him."

Tony rolled his eyes. "God, you are such a worry wart." he said. "I won't fight him again. Relax."

Steve eyed him for a second before nodding, rushing to his floor to change into his suit. Natasha and Clint were already gone. Bruce agreed that it would be better not to go out unless absolutely necessary.

"Have the med bay ready," Tony told him. "He might come in injured."

Bruce scowled. "I thought you said you wouldn't fight him."

"He ripped off my gauntlet," Tony said. "And those were just words."

Bruce just rolled his eyes and walked out. Pepper stepped forward and placed a hand over his arc reactor. "Be careful Tony." she said seriously. Tony smiled warmly and retracted the face place to bend down and give her a gentle kiss.

"I always am." he said. She snorted.

"That's a lie."

He just grinned. "It'll be true one of these days." he said. Pepper looked at him with nothing but love in her eyes.

"Better be."

"Relax Mrs. Potts," he said. "I'll be home before you know it. Will that be all?"

She grinned. "That will be all, Mr. Stark."


"I don't see him." Tony said, scanning the area for the sneaky arachnid.

"He's around here somewhere, Tony." Steve said. "We just need to be patient."

"Oh yeah, cause Tony has that to spare," Clint scoffed. Tony hissed and Clint laughed."What are you, a cat?"

"Want me to scratch out your eyes?" Tony suggested. "I'll show you how catty I can be."

"Boys, boys," Natasha said. "Save the bickering for the tower. We're one a mission now."

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