Chapter Sixteen

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"Please. Please. For the love of my sanity. Please tell me he is not Spider-Man." Fury said, breathing in deeply through his nose.

Peter waved awkwardly at him before leaning over to Tony to whisper through his teeth, "Who's the pirate?"

Tony let out a laugh laugh while Fury narrowed his eyes. Peter felt very uncomfortable under the man's gaze and he shifted slightly. "Well if I didn't see the resemblance before." he muttered. He then turned to face the rest of the Avengers. "You're serious, aren't you?"

"Yes sir." Steve said. "Peter here, is Queens' very own Spider-Man."

"Peter, Stark's son, is my biggest headache?" Fury growled. "Well that makes sense in a torturous kind of way."

"You know, for some reason, I'm really picking up some vibes." Peter said, looking between Tony and Fury. "He really doesn't like you." he said, looking at Tony. "What did you do to him?"

Tony sputtered. "Wha---me? Nothing!"

Fury grinned. "I think I might like this kid." he said. "Look, Peter, I'm gonna make this quick. I have better things to do then babysit---" Peter scrunched up his face in offense and opened his mouth to tell him politely that he did not need a babysitter, when he continued. "---so, answer my questions and I get onto the important stuff."

"Important stuff?" Steve asked. "What do you mean?"

"The Avengers have a new mission." Fury said. Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Already? What's the world coming to?" Clint mumbled under his breath.

"So, tell me Peter, why did you become Spider-Man?" Fury asked, pointedly ignoring Clint's childish complaints. "S.H.I.E.L.D needs to be positive of your intentions before we let you continue."

"Let me?" Peter scoffed. "Jesus who is this guy?"

"This 'guy' just happens to control almost every government in the world." snapped Fury. "So a little less smartass and a little more smart-brained would be appreciated."

Peter snapped his jaw closed with an audible click. He looked over to Tony who nodded in exasperation. Peter sighed. "I became Spider-Man to help people." he said. "You know? Look out for the little guy."

Fury raised an eyebrow. "Looking out for the little guy resulted in hunting for someone?" he asked.

"Hunting for someone?" Peter asked.

"For the first five months, all of your victims looked the same---"

"I don't like that word. They aren't my victims." Peter said. Fury sighed but nodded.

"For the first five months, all of your targets looked the same," Fury said. Peter nodded. "Why? Who were you looking for?"

"I..." Peter bit his lip before he looked to the ground. "I was looking for my Uncle's killer, okay? I wanted justice."

Tony was staring at Peter in shock. Sure he knew that Ben Parker had been shot and killed (Obviously he did research on the Parker family after he found Peter) but he had no idea that this was what sparked Peter to take up vigilantism.

"Peter..." Tony breathed out.

"And what did you do with the man once you'd found him?" Fury asked, narrowing his one good eye at the teenager.

Peter sagged, his shoulders hunching in on himself as he thought of the brutal fight that had followed. The way he wanted to kill him. How he almost did. "We fought," Peter said shamefully. "Then I handed him over to the police."

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