Chapter Seventeen

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"How the hell did you lose him?" Fury cried. Tony frowned with the strange sense of deja-vu. He slammed his fist onto the table. "He's priority number one!"

"He's a fucking assasain." Tony snorted. "You think we were going to catch him on the first attempt?"

"Yes!" Fury hissed. "What else am I paying you for?"

"News flash, pirate," Tony said. "You don't pay us."

"Yeah. You don't pay us nearly enough." Clint said. Tony whirled around on him.

"Wait you guys are getting paid?" he said. He then scoffed and turned around to glare at Fury. "Great. Guess I can add fraud to your list of redeeming qualities."

"You found enough of them for a list?" Clint said. "I'm impressed."

Fury growled. "Can we get back to the topic at hand, please?" he snarled. "The Winter Soldier needs to be caught. We can't risk Hydra getting ahold of whatever it is they're after."

"And what is that, exactly?" Tony asked. "Have you managed to figure out what Grampy McStabby is after?"

Fury scowled. "That is classified information." he said.

"I fucking hate it when you say that." Tony muttered to himself. "Fine, guess we'll just go in blind, then. Not like that's ever backfired on us. Oh wait..."

Fury hissed and opened his mouth to say something when an alarm went off. Fury looked down at his wrist before he looked back up at the team. "Looks like you all have a second chance. The Winter Soldier has been spotted near Midtown."

Tony snapped his head up. "That's right by the tower." he said. "Come on guys, let's go get him! Hopefully he's not after my tower but with my luck who knows."


"What even is this guy?!" Tony cried as he was once again thrown into a wall. He groaned as he pulled himself up. He turned around only to be forced to duck as the Soldier's metal arm smashed the wall above his head. "Holy shit!"

"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Steve yelled, throwing his shield at the soldier's head. The Winter Soldier snapped his head at Steve before charging.

"'Someone your own size'? Jesus, Steve. I know you're old but still! That's so cliche." Tony quipped, firing a shot at the soldier's turned back.

"Is...that important...thing to....bring up right now?" Steve panted, throwing punch after punch at the soldier, only to keep on being deflected.

"Not really," Tony replied, ducking as the soldier picked up a fire hydrant and threw it at Tony's head. " know a suggestion for next time."

"Can you guys shut up?!" Natasha yelled. "Some of us are actually trying to complete the mission!"

"Sorry Nat." Tony grunted, getting closer to the soldier to throw a punch. He ducked at the last second, causing Tony to overshoot and hit Steve in the gut. "Shit! Sorry Steve."

"Damn Tony? Are you always this much of a disaster?" CLint asked, and Tony rolled as an arrow was shot at the soldier.

"What is this? Pick on Tony day?" Tony cried.

"No that's Tuesday." Clint said, and Tony could practically hear the shit-eating grin.

"Well that explains a lot, actually." Tony said. "Hey Steve, duck!" Steve ducked just as Tony fired a shot from both of his blastors. One clipped the soldier in the shoulder, the other knocking his mask off his face.

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