Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Tony was furious.

The sight of his son---his son---being strangled by a person Peter thought of as a friend, made his blood boil. Tony had blasted over there, ignoring the other people in the room, and threw the man off of his son.

Tony watched with bated breath for any sign of movement. Tony's heart was pounding against the arc reactor. No, no, no, no, please not my baby---

Peter arched up with a cough and began to take in sputtering breaths. Tony felt relief course through his veins like a drug. He carefully cradled Peter in his arms, and Peter shuddered. "It's okay, it's okay." Tony repeated, holding Peter like a vice.

"D---" Peter was cut off with another cough. Tony winced at how painful it sounded. Already Tony could see hand print shaped bruises beginning to form on his neck. "D---..Dad." Peter wailed.

Tony froze, his hold and Peter tightening. Dad. Did he really just---No. Now was not the time to fixate on that. Tony pushed down the bittersweet feeling that was rising in his chest (bittersweet because his son had called him 'Dad' for the first time after being nearly strangled to death) and lifted Peter into his arms. He stood up, intent on taking him as far from the fight as possible when a projectile hit Tony directly in the face.

Tony staggered back, his grip on Peter faltering and they both fell to the ground. Peter let out a hoarse yelp and Tony turned around to see Barnes dragging Peter by his hair and Tony felt rage.

"Don't you fucking touch him!" Tony screamed, firing at Barnes' turned back. Barnes leapt out of the way and Peter used that as an opportunity to elbow him hard in the stomach.

"Bucky!" Steve cried. "What are you---"

"That's not Bucky." Natasha cut him off, running in to help Peter get away from him. "That's the Winter Soldier."

Tony felt his face drain of color. The Winter Soldier. Barnes had been turned. Just as he predicted. Does that mean that Peter...?

Suddenly the elation he felt at Peter calling him Dad died down, instantly replaced with fear. Does that mean Peter didn't remember what had happened? Where he was?

"That's right, Avengers." a man called. Tony turned his head to see the man from the video sitting calmly in the corner of the room, an unconscious May Parker laying on the ground by his feet. "The Soldier will stop you. Those are his orders. And he always obeys his orders, isn't that right 2176?" he asked.

"No." Peter said and Tony startled to see his son gazing hatefully at the man. He'd never seen such an expression before. "You're wrong. Wolf is still in there."

The man laughed hatefully. "Is that so?" he asked, a smug smile marring his face. "Well then I suppose I should surrender?"

Tony stepped forward, his face plate lifting so the man could see just how much Tony hated him. "Yeah." he said, his voice firm. "Surrender. Now. Or else."

"Or else what, Mr. Stark?" the man asked, the cruel grin set deep into his face making him look deranged. "What could you possibly do to me? I can do so much more to you, you best be polite."

"What are you talking about---"

"Tony! Stop talking and start fighting!" Clint screamed. Tony's head whipped around to see Barnes slowly starting to overtake the other group. Tony growled and flew over to where they were.

Peter was still being held by Barnes' grip, his face scrunched up in pain. Tony fired at him again, and lightly tugged on Peter, but the grip did not relent. "That fucking arm!" Tony cried. "He won't let go!"

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