Chapter 6

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If there was a word that aptly described his first three days as a house-sitter for Kyle' unit, 'unexpected' fit the bill perfectly. Considering what had gone down, it might even be the understatement of the year. 

Yet, in a span of three days since reconnecting with Yanna, he had developed a stronger, deeper admiration and respect for her.

Yanna was eerily calm when her OB, Dra. Valdez, finally arrived and briefed them on the change of birthing plan. Apparently, time was of the essence. If they either induced labor or waited for her labor to start, it might be too late. Yanna didn't even bat an eyelash when they learned that the expenses for CS operation was triple the normal delivery.

What DJ initially thought as a simple check-up apparently became a confinement. While Yanna who seemed to have had foresight, already brought the luggage that turned out to be her and the baby's hospital bag, he found himself severely unprepared. He only had his wallet with him. And he still didn't have his phone with him either. 

So while Yanna was being prepped for the operation, DJ had to go back to the condo for his things.

During the cab ride back to her condo, DJ was reminded why he wanted to settle down in the province. He had heard numerous horror stories — of pregnant women giving birth in the car, of patients dying in the ambulance — just because of the heavy traffic that seemed to worsen each year.

However, the accessibility of Yanna’s condo solved that problem. The distance between her condominium and the hospital only took ten minutes before the rush hour. Thirty to forty-five minutes at most if accidents, road constructions were factored in, according to the chatty driver who floored the gas upon learning that DJ's baby would be born in a few hours. The cab ride back to the condo took fifteen minutes. Ten, when he opted to book a motorcycle ride back to the hospital.

Everything else was a blur — him being led to the delivery suite where he had to put on a gown and head cover before he was asked to stay beside Yanna who was already lying on her back on the bed.

“It’s going to be okay,” he whispered, lacing their hands together. When she was asked to lay on her side for the epidural, He felt her nails dig into his skin when the syringe bit into her lower back. “He’s going to be okay,” he said again, smoothing her forehead as she was helped to lay on her back again.

A screen was placed across her waist so they wouldn’t see anything as the surgery happened. Silently, DJ was grateful for that. Because he really didn’t know how he’d fare if he saw so much blood. 

He actually tried watching videos of births after he had read the diary but he couldn’t bear watching how the female’s face contorted with every contraction, to think he had placed his phone on mute. He stopped the video altogether at the crowning. 

A shrill cry ripped through the operating room in what seemed like an eternity.

DJ’s chest seized. Yanna’s grip on his hand tightened.

“I told you,” he murmured in a shaky voice and she returned it with a weak nod and a smile.

The baby was quickly and thoroughly cleaned before it was brought to them. Dr. Valdez lifted Yanna’s hospital gown, exposing her breasts before strategically placing the stirring baby boy on her chest to initiate nursing.

Tears welled up in DJ’s eyes, witnessing the beauty of it all. 

It was pure magic. 

When finally, the baby had successfully latched, Yanna’s strong facade broke as she started to sob.

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