Chapter 8

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The total bill for Yanna's CS operation and their three days of stay in the hospital amounted to his annual salary at twenty five. Or triple the amount for the same procedure in Tarlac. He offered to help pay a portion of the bill but Yanna insisted she had it all covered. 

"Girl, how did you manage to save this much money?" Rhea exclaimed at the sight of the same bill while they were packing up.

"All my bonuses went to my savings even before I learned I was pregnant," she answered, nonchalantly, now moving with much ease.

DJ knew this truth about her. Because they both disliked spending unnecessarily, the most lucrative vacation they had together was an overnight stay in a hotel in Ortigas which Yanna won in a raffle. 

He just hoped Yanna didn't burn a hole through her savings paying the bills.

"Bro, there's an available unit on the twentieth floor but the minimum length of stay should be three months," Kyle whispered to him while Rhea sat with Yanna as they waited for the discharge order. "It's eighteen thousand per month, exclusive of utility bills."

DJ tried not to react but still he winced at the price. "Are there any other units nearby? Not necessarily in the same building."

Kyle gave him a look which he avoided meeting. "I told you, you can stay in my unit. Rhea understands the need for you to be close to Yanna right now. We can stay in her apartment while you're here."

"Thanks, man. That...that helps a lot," he exhaled, dropping the pretense of refusing the offer. He never was good at pretending anyway. And with his upbringing, he had learned to accept all the help that was offered to survive.

"Nah, that's no big deal. We're still rooting for you, two, that's why," Kyle revealed with a pat to DJ's shoulder. "I had not expected for things to play out the way they did. But all's well, don't you think?"

He made a noncommittal noise in his throat. True, DJ appreciated the nudge that their common friends did so they could meet together. But adapting Yanna's way of thinking, didn't the whole thing feel like a trap? That maybe Yanna didn’t want a relationship with him but was only enduring his company out of need and desperation?

DJ parked his thoughts when they had received the clearance for discharge. He and Yanna profusely thanked the couple for the ride home especially for the carseat-and-stroller-in-one which Rhea bought on their trip and which Kyle installed in the car.

"He is such a cooperative baby," Rhea observed in awe as soon as they made it into Yanna's unit and DJ did quick work on the crib while Kyle returned the wheelchair that Yanna used.

"I agree, he only cries when he needs something,” Yanna confirmed, to which DJ agreed. “He got it from his dad."

“On the contrary, he got it from you,” DJ grinned when Yanna cocked an eyebrow at him. “Very independent, rarely asks for help unless necessary. I think that’s more you than me.”

Rhea let out a snort. "That's Yanna, alright."

"You make it sound like a bad trait — being strong and independent," she challenged, glaring at her best friend.

"Of course not. It's what I love most about you." Which was true. When he got over being intimidated by her, he learned that her confidence came from having to do almost everything on her own compared to him who has had a lot of help from his relatives growing up. He smoothed the baby's swaddle. "I'd be glad if he'd get it from you." He stood up and met Yanna's eyes, not missing how her cheeks flushed.

"Do we need to go? Because it looks like there's a lot of catching up for you, two." Kyle was wiggling his eyebrows at how Yanna blushed at the compliment.

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