17: Friends That Weren't My Own

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"Woah, I wasn't expecting to see this!" Freddy was already drunk, his long hair unruly and damp. His reputation was so immense, that even I remembered his name.

He was known as the guy whose parents were so incompetent and rich that they repeatedly went on trips that left him to throw parties in their absence. If that was even what they could be called. Everyone knew that anything went at his parties. All of the crazy shit that people talked about for weeks to follow could be traced back to Freddy's house. That was precisely why I never went there.

"None of us were." Dennis nodded. They were both referring to seeing Millie and me standing beside Sam & Co. The sight was so shocking, that I knew there were going to be endless confused glances sent our way throughout the night. I was not looking forward to it.

Freddy stepped aside to let us in, swaying slightly. "Well come on in. There's drinks in the kitchen, and music in the living room."

Millie and I were the last to enter. When I called her and asked if she wanted to go to a party tonight, she was a lot more enthusiastic than I ever could have been. She squealed like a little girl and thanked me profusely. As I said before, she loved to go to parties but there was never anyone willing to go with her. Also known as me — I was the one who was almost never willing to go with her.

It was very loud inside, both due to the booming music and the people trying to yell over it. And it was stuffy from everyone dancing so close to each other. I was already regretting my decision to come along, but I really only did it so that Sam would tell Jocelyn how he felt. As well as to help Millie get out of the house for a little while.

I just grabbed Millie's hand and we navigated through the growing crowd. The others seemed to know where they were going, so we just kept close behind. It didn't take long for the doorway leading into a kitchen to catch my attention. That seemed to be where we were all headed. Once inside, there were three familiar faces.

Sydney, Jocelyn, and her best friend who I was pretty sure was called Zoey. Or was it Chloe? Cleo? Millie was going to kill me if I asked her again.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Jocelyn so kindly asked once she noticed Millie and me.

Sam just waved the comment off with a, "It's a long story."

She furrowed her brow, but didn't ask. Then suddenly her whole body relaxed as she seemed to forget all about us. Her eyes honed in on Sam and she clasped her hands around his arm sweetly. "Oh well, who cares? How have you been, Sam?"

"Fine." He didn't do much of anything, just staying still beneath her touch while keeping his words short and simple. Even though I didn't want to watch her fawn over him like a snake oil salesman did a client, I was still a bit satisfied to witness Sam blatantly appearing uninterested. I was really just worried that she would try to kiss him or something.

As if she could read my thoughts, Jocelyn stood on her tippy toes and kissed Sam's cheek. He didn't even look at her. I struggled to tear my burning glare away from her.

"Hey, you." Dennis grinned at Sydney, who smiled gently back. She was beautiful, and after seeing her face again I was able to recall seeing her around before. Her hair was a deep strawberry blonde, and skin paper-pale. She was petite and her cheeks had a soft dusting of what seemed to be natural blush.

In fact, all of the girls in that room were beautiful in their own way. I always thought that Millie was pretty, but I was also biased. Jocelyn was so breathtaking that she would probably use it to literally take someone's breath away. Maybe I was just being dramatic, but I really did think that she had some internalized murderous tendencies. One day her face was probably going to be on the news for killing her much older husband for all of his money. And she would be known as one of the world's most gorgeous murderers. Probably resulting in a fan base of murder-apologists.

Jack of Clubs (BxB)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora