19: Instinct Rather Than Fear

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"I'm never drinking again." Those words were not spoken as a promise, but rather the desperate attempt of a hungover girl clinging onto the hope that she would never feel that awful again. But unlike her, I was not stupid. Millie was going to be back to drinking the second that an alcoholic beverage was offered to her.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." I scolded her as I put some books away into my locker.

She sighed. "Since when are you the voice of reason?"

"Since you decided to drink so damn much last night." I was a little bit upset with her, because it was partially her fault that the night ended up becoming such an unbelievable mess. When it was just Sam and I talking outside, I was easily able to forget about his creepy cousin and the fact that he was technically supposed to be entertaining a girl. However, it didn't take long for everything to fall apart after we returned to the party.

It started with a fight between two completely unexpected people.

After Sam and I came back inside, I went to go find Millie. When I found her dancing with some random girl, I asked where Caden went. At first I thought nothing of her words when she drunkenly explained that he went off to go find Brian. But it only took ten or so minutes before we saw them. Caden was rushing towards the door, and Brian was desperately following.

Sam tried to deescalate whatever argument they were having, but Caden was beyond hellbent on taking it to the grave. He was more pissed off than I thought he was capable of, and Brian was hardly saying anything to try to fix it. I didn't think it was even possible for those two to get angry with each other.

At the time I genuinely couldn't figure out what was going on since there was a lot of incoherent yelling, and a whole lot of silence from Brian's side. But Sam explained it to me after Brian managed to get his seething friend into his Pontiac. Apparently when Caden found Brian, he was in the middle of smoking a cigarette, and while I could understand why he would be worried for his friend's health, I still didn't quite grasp why he was willing to take it that far.

Once that drama seemed to leave with the car disappearing down the road, Millie proceeded to continue to drink and party. Sam dealt with Jocelyn reappearing and wanting to know why he ditched her. When he didn't give her much to work with, Chloe happened to crop back up. She took one look at Sam, sneered, and then dragged her best friend out of there.

Not before glancing at me one last time. What were the chances of that psycho being Sam's own cousin? My luck was ever-evolving.

It was around that time that Dennis and Sydney had Sam call them an Uber. Which just left the three of us to figure out what to do next. Sam and I didn't have much to do in a house full of people and no alcohol in our system. So we pretty much just counted down the minutes until Millie tuckered herself out.

Unfortunately for us, she did a lot more than that. I didn't know how much she drank, but it was far too much. Maybe it was the result of her deranged dancing, or it could have just been her weak immune system. Whatever it was, Millie suddenly stopped dancing, turned to the girl she was dancing with, and threw up all over her blouse.

Sam and I quickly tried to fix the situation, offering her his jacket in place of her shirt and trying to get Millie out of there as soon as possible. The girl was not at all amused nor did she seem like she was going to let it go. So we waited for her to enter the bathroom so that she could change, and then we hightailed it out of there.

In an ideal world, the rest of the night would have been smooth sailing. But after trying to quietly get Millie into her house and then her bedroom, she suddenly looked far too green again. She threw up on her pink carpet before we could maneuver her to a trash can.

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