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As Jesse had feared, many monsters had gathered. Most didn't try to stop them, but not all moved out of their way.

"Alpha, I would strongly advise you to move. I would hate to have you be the one to bring the death of your people." Jesse warns, his words cold and deadly.

The girl keeps her head turned to Jesse's neck refusing to see the monsters that surround her. Jesse holds her to him. Carlo had taken a position in front of Jesse and Desanto and Santo each have flanking positions.

"Is this the sacrifice? She is too  young." There is a hint of eagerness in the werewolf's tone.

"No, she is not the sacrifice, but a gift the humans have given us. She is claimed and marked, we will tolerate no one touching what is ours." Santo answers the alpha with narrowed eyes.

"That means that the humans have failed to give the sacrifice this year?" The alpha smiles hungrily. They have been kept from the humans since Jesse enforced the peace.

"They have until tomorrow night to offer their sacrifice, you know that as well as I, wolf." Jesse will not allow the threat he feels from the alpha to stand. "If they fail, then they will be punished by me and mine, not you or yours."

"We have abided by the peace accords as you have them stated, prince, but they have broken them then they are fair game for us all." The alpha growls out. The peace accords were made and signed in his great grandfathers time. Nearly seven hundred years ago. In all that time prince Jesse or as he prefers, Lord Jesse and his brothers, Lords Carlo, Desanto and Santo have ruthlessly enforced them. Any that have broken them have been severely punished. Most didn't survive the punishment.

"Their gift to us will ameliorate their punishment although it won't stop it. Should they fail to give the proper sacrifice." Jesse tells the monsters in front of him. "Once we deem the punishment over, no further punishment will be allowed. That includes," Jesse makes sure that all within earshot are listening, "all of you."

"We need the human females, Lord Jesse. We need them to breed with. Our females are not enough and we are dying!" The alpha says angrily. Three out of every four births are males and the fighting between them is getting out of hand. They need females to calm the males down. Mates are a thing of the past, a legend turning to myth among his people. All females are shared. Like the vampires the wolves can smell the blood of the child and know who the father is.

"Let us help in the punishment, please, Lord Jesse and in the protection of your gift." With as protective of the human child the vampires are the alpha knows that anyone trying to hurt her will be dealt with harshly.

Jesse, long ago learned strategy and so didn't reject the wolves request out of hand. "What is your proposal?"

"I will give you one of my wolves, my son and heir as her personal body guard."

"And what do you wish in return?" Carlo asks his own eyes narrowed. The alpha heir is the strongest and best trained of all the wolves with the exception of the alpha himself.

"Allow me and my wolves to help round up the villagers. In exchange for that service we ask for some of the human females."

Jesse lets the silence fall as he thinks over the wolves proposal. "With some modifications I will agree. The humans will either be killed, determined by myself and brothers, taken as slaves, again determined by myself and brothers. Those that remain free will be left untouched by all, since the others will bear the burden of the punishment.

"Of those slaves, the females will need to bear four children to us and then they will be given to you and your people. Will that be acceptable? Also the males, if they are too much trouble will be neutered and given to you. You can accept them as human slaves or turn them to serve you as you will. Will that be agreeable?"

The alpha hides his amazement, "I will allow the delay in the reception of the females for the promise of so many and the promise of the males as well. I will also still offer my son as the girl's personal body guard if that will be acceptable?"

By then the girl had lifted her head and looked at the alpha. Jesse sets her down when she makes motions for him to do so. She goes over to the alpha and looks at him curiously. "What are you? Are you one of the monsters I've been told to fear?"

"Yes, little one I am. I am a werewolf. Would you like to see?" The alpha finds himself offering to change for the little human.

Jesse and the others hiss warningly at the alpha. He looks up from the girl, "I will not hurt her. My wolf would like to meet her, if it is alright?" The wolf is aware of who is the top predator and although it doesn't like to admit it, Jesse and his brothers are it.

"Just remember yours and your peoples lives depend on you not harming her." Jesse finally hisses just loud enough for the alpha to hear. He nods his head once to show his understanding.

"I will be back in just a moment youngling." The alpha states then goes behind a tree. He wouldn't mind stripping in front of the girl but doubts that the vampires would be happy about it or the girl herself.

In short order he is changed and walks back to the girl. The wolf stands taller than the girl and lays down before her. The girl shows no fear of the giant animal and instead goes to him and pets him.

Jesse and his brothers hold in their chuckles not wishing to embarrass the wolf or potentially cause problems with the alpha wolf and the girl. They just find it hilarious that the wolf, the big, bad wolf of the stories the humans are told about is allowing this human child to treat him like a dog.

The wolf nudges the girl to get on his back. The girl looks at the vampires and when they give her permission she climbs on the wolf. The vampires stay close to the wolf and he and his pack lead the way back to their home.

Once they reach the castle the wolf lowers himself once more and goes behind another tree to change. Another wolf near the size of the alpha remains by the child's side.

"This is my son, Areon, he will remain here. With your permission, of course, we will send his things over later."

"We would see your son in the human form before he'll be allowed to come with us." Jesse says once more picking up the young human.

With his words the wolf turns back to human and slips on the clothes handed to him by another pack member. "My lords, my lady."

Jesse looks him over. "You will have your own room for when we are there. But when we, for whatever reason are not, you are to stay with her in her room in your wolf form. Will that be acceptable?"

"Of course, my lord." Areon says bowing. The power the vampires give off makes his wolf want to lay down to show his submission and he fights the compulsion to do so.

"Very well. Have his things here before nightfall." Jesse demands, the alpha nods and takes off with his pack. Areon follows the vampires into the castle. A place that no werewolf has ever been before and lived to tell about it.

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