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"Esmeralda?" Carlo asks going into her room.

"Yes?" Esme replies wiping her face before turning to Carlo. She knows that she didn't hide the fact that she was crying. All her protectors are extremely sharp eyed and notice the smallest of details.

Carlo goes over to her and pulls her into his arms. "The beta is here now. Jesse wants you to meet him. He is very nervous. He's afraid that he won't be able to do an adequate job. He's terrified that he'll fail. He is aware of how close you are to Areon and worries that you won't even give him a chance."

Carlo has Esme look at him. "At least give him a chance. I get a good feeling about him."

"I'll give him a chance. It's just Areon is like a brother to me. I miss him." Carlo holds her tight.

"We know. We know that it's been hard for you. We are also very nervous with you being without the extra protection, though. He isn't here to replace Areon, he's here to be your body guard and possibly, your friend, but it will be up to you."

"You all want me to accept him. You just want me to have the extra protection." Esme says with more bitterness then she meant to let out.

"Esmeralda," Carlo sets her a bit from him and waits for her to look at him. "We do want you to have the extra protection. We've never hidden that from you. Jesse was less than pleased that you freed Areon from the bond. He understands why you did it, and although it was the right thing to do, he didn't like it. The more ties to the wolves he has the better. But you releasing Areon meant that the wolves won't resent us or more importantly you.

"Areon feels just as strongly about you as you do him. He will make sure that the wolves help keep you safe even though he himself can't be here."

"I know." Esme really doesn't want to meet this new wolf. She doesn't want a new body guard. She has her four guardians she can't take the pain of losing any one close to her again. But to let them know that she is trying she goes with Carlo down to the study.

"Areon?" Esme says once she enters the study. She runs up to the new alpha and gives him a hug. A smile on her face now real and not the fake one that she had on before. She gives Carlo a remonstrating look after she finishes her hug.

"I wanted to bring the beta here and introduce him personally. I know you've caught glimpses of him in the past." Areon turns Esme so that she is looking at him. "He has earned the right to this position. He asked for it and then worked his ass off to be the best my pack has to offer. He's just as willing to die for you as I was and still am."

"Princess, it will be a huge honor if you would allow me to take my alpha's place at your side. It would be an even greater honor if you would ever give me the friendship that you have allowed him to have with you. I promise I will do my best to protect you, just as he did." Esme looks over at the new wolf. Where Areon is large and tall this wolf is tall and lean. Something about his looks make her think of long distances and fast running. But she does notice the muscles that he sports, just made less noticeable by his rangy form.

"My lady, this is my beta, Benjamin. Benjamin, this is Lady Esmeralda. She usually prefers Esme, says that Esmeralda is too formal and she doesn't like titles unless there is a reason for them." Areon says taking Esme over to the other wolf.

Esme takes her time and studies the new wolf.

"Esme? What do you think?" Jesse won't force her to take the new wolf. That she was willing to allow Areon go tells him just how much she's grown in the last several years. He never expected her to release the binding on Areon. If it had been him, he wouldn't have. Then he would have caused problems between himself and the wolves. Esme kept that from happening.

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